terça-feira, 24 de setembro de 2019

Hyacinthus (Part 2)

- Of all the mythological legends, my all-time favourite has always been Apollo’s.

- Oh! Mine is Narcissus!

- It figures! I would have never guessed…

They looked at each other, seriously, for a while and then burst into laughter.


The summer holidays were almost over and he was getting ready to go back to his normal life. He had decided to pack his things and put them in the trunk of his car, while it was still early in the morning, but changed his idea, as soon as he opened the door.

It would be a nice sunny Saturday and although he intended initially to leave the place by lunch time, he thought it would be better to postpone it to the end of the afternoon, so he could have a relaxing last day at the beach.

The sun was slowly rising up in the sky. Soon it would be warm enough.

A quick sprint by the shore would be good to prepare his mind and body for the week ahead and the routines he was used to, including the therapy sessions. He had so many things to talk about.

It was not the right time to think about the week affairs, though. He needed to keep an easy mind for that last day, at least.

He jogged for some minutes along the beach and when he was back, he looked at the inviting sea, stripped off and went for a swim. The water was cold but the day was warm already. He thought he was a lucky man after all.

He smiled when he thought about his friend.

(- Funny name!)

They had known each other for some time and still kept the same sympathy they had since the beginning. Better saying: that feeling grew stronger with time and with the intimacy they shared. Besides that, there was a true respect for each other and that made the whole difference.

- How long are you going to be in the water still?

- Uh? What?

- You’re gonna freeze. This water is so cold!

He did not respond, but realized he had forgotten about the water and how cold it was, so distracted he was with his own thoughts. He felt his muscles going rigid. It was time to go off the sea and head home.


- You know my feelings about this, don’t you?

- I do. And you know I’m not good at speaking my feelings out…

- What will you do?

- I can’t do anything other than what I’m already doing. I’m deeply and fully in this, but this is the farthest I can go... at least for now.

- I understand.

- Do I disappoint you?

- Not really. I try to have my two feet set firmly on the ground.

- I’ve never made any promises, because I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep them.

- I know what you mean. It was just…

He stopped in the middle of the sentence. He almost said it and he knew he would have regretted it soon after if he did.

The other man simply looked at him with a sudden gloom in his eyes. He knew exactly how that sentence could end. Sadly.

They sat, quiet, for quite a long time. That was a moment when words would mean nothing, because they knew the language their feelings spoke. Silence weighed heavily between the two.

They avoided looking into each other’s faces and eyes. Their tears would not allow them to see clearly anyway.


“I'll never forget what happened that day,
 The fear in your eyes, the cutting away
 You left to my world fine memories,
 But I've turned them into sworn enemies
 That day”... (Adam Evald; “That Day”)

- This song again? Don’t you ever tire of listening to it?

He ignored the irony.

- Why do you come here only when you know I’m alone?

- I feel you need me.

- How can you?

He smiled. That meant he would not reply. The man was so used to that already, he did not even try to argue.

- I’m seeing a therapist today.

- That’s stupid and a waste. You don’t need any.

- Is that what you think? You’re the reason I need to see one.

- Bullshit! You don’t need anyone but me.

- Arrogance? Now? You must be kidding me.

He smiled again.

- Go, if you want to. I think you’re wrong. I know you won’t listen to me anyway… until you realize you don’t really need that help from a stranger.

- I know and you know that I know.

- Playing with words now? That’s so much you.

The man simply smiled back. Like his counterpart, he did not want… or need… to riposte to that baiting.


The man was offered the seat in the brown leather armchair on the left side of the room and waited. The therapist had asked him if he wanted a cup of coffee.

The buzz of the machine backgrounded his thoughts and he was trying to find a way to start the conversation. He knew how the therapy worked and he needed to go straight to the point for many reasons. The quicker he would do it, the better it would be for the results. Besides that, there were pecuniary reasons to be taken into consideration too.

- I need help. Urgently! Don’t think it is easy for me to say it, but it is the only way.

- Well, that’s a good beginning. What kind of help are you talking about?

- I don’t want to come with a ready diagnosis and tell you what I need to do, but you will agree with me that I will need to go under medication as soon as possible.

- And what leads you to think anything like that?

- I confess I’ve been through that before and did not take it seriously. Now I see I really need to or else I’ll go on a one-way trip to my end and completely out of control. And I don’t like that and don’t want that either. I thought I could live with that and could go over it, but I can’t. I simply can’t.

- What are you talking about? Go straight to the point, man. Please!

- I hear voices in my head all the time and I see people who do not exist in reality.

- How do you know they don’t exist?

- I was already diagnosed as schizophrenic!  


segunda-feira, 16 de setembro de 2019

De Jacinto (Parte 1)

O ar da manhã estava bastante fresco, quase frio, apesar de ainda estar na alta temporada de verão.

O homem passou as duas mãos pelos cabelos loiros bem tratados, tentando mantê-los minimamente arrumados, apesar da dificuldade em domá-los contra o vento que soprava do mar. Supondo que estivesse sozinho, ele tirou a camiseta, tênis e shorts e depois deu um jeito de amarrar o cabelo em um coque, no topo da cabeça. Atravessou as areias brancas, caminhando com confiança em direção às águas, tão límpidas e frescas, de cor verde-esmeralda e mergulhou onde as ondas quebravam...

Depois da corrida que havia feito ao longo da praia, como normalmente fazia, enquanto ficava na casa de verão, por um mês inteiro, na alta temporada, aquela sensação era refrescante e revigorante.

Alguns minutos depois, quando saiu do mar, percebeu que não estava sozinho, afinal. O homem olhou para onde havia deixado suas roupas e caminhou pela areia fina, naquela direção.

Não tentou esconder, nem cobrir seu corpo nu. Simplesmente pegou sua camiseta e esfregou pelo torso e ombros, com a intenção de secar-se um pouco e vestiu os shorts, novamente. Foi só então que falou, finalmente, enquanto juntava os calçados, já pronto a voltar para casa.


“Demons are back, demons are back once again,
Fighting them off, I’m fighting them off once again,
It's hard for me, but I'm trying”… (Adam Evald; “That Day”)

(Demônios estão de volta, os demônios estão de volta, mais uma vez,
Lutando contra eles, estou lutando contra eles, mais uma vez,
É difícil para mim, mas estou tentando”)… (Adam Evald;“ That Day ”)

- A história deste videoclipe é muito triste.

- É, mas eu gosto da música... muito...

- Uma música melancólica. Eu me pergunto o que aconteceu com eles. Por que ela foi embora?

- Precisas, realmente, saber? Quando o amor acaba, acaba...

- Mas duas pessoas tão bonitas... A cultura popular nos diz que suas vidas deveriam ser perfeitas.

- Nenhuma vida é perfeita... infelizmente.

- Mas toda publicidade é baseada na crença de que é possível. E nós acreditamos nisso.

- Tu ainda acreditas neste tipo de conto de fadas? Faz muito tempo que eu não acredito em qualquer relacionamento perfeito.

- Mas funciona!

Ele pensou naquilo por um par de segundos.

- Pode funcionar... talvez... por um tempo...

Levantou-se e saiu da sala, em direção à varanda. A noite estava agradável e tranquila. Podia-se ouvir o oceano rugindo, à distância, como se a convidar à uma conversa.

Ele, então, decidiu dar um passeio. Precisava pensar, respirar um pouco de ar fresco e se deixar levar pela noite de verão e pela brisa do mar... em seu mundo íntimo e privado.


- Sabes muito bem que não funciona assim. Não é apenas a minha vontade que conta nesta situação. Eu não posso machucar pessoas que não têm nada a ver com isto.

- Vais ter que, eventualmente, machucar algumas, mesmo sem querer, neste processo.

- Espero que não.

- O que vais fazer, então? O que tu queres fazer, afinal?

- Eu não sei. Eu tentei chegar a algum lugar e tudo que eu consegui foi chegar a um beco sem saída.

- Vais ter que encontrar um caminho. Ou então vais ficar louco.

- Não me pressiones deste jeito.

- É meu trabalho empurrar-te para fora desta zona de conforto. Tu te estás acostumando demais à dor e à culpa... e à tristeza... Para além daqueles momentos de fuga, uma vez por semana, mais ou menos, não parece sobrar muito a que se apegar.

- É fácil dizer este tipo de coisas, quando se tem muito menos a perder.

Ele sorriu. Sabia do que o outro homem estava falando e sabia, também, que não era tão fácil quanto ele dizia, mas era o que poderia fazer, para ajudar.

- Nós precisamos ir. Já tenho outro paciente à espera.

A sessão de terapia havia terminado. O homem sentiu-se quase aliviado. Às vezes, aquelas reuniões eram bastante difíceis e muito stressantes, mesmo.

Quando saiu do consultório do analista, sentia-se cansado e triste... Havia muitas coisas em que pensar até o próximo encontro.


O ciúme é uma coisa muito perigosa. Pode embaçar o discernimento. E, às vezes, pode levar a coisas que faz-se sem pensar: atos arriscados e com a cabeça quente.

- Zéfiro?

- Sim. É o tal. Eu o conheço.

- Mas é um nome horrível! Quem ainda dá nomes destes aos filhos?

Ele riu. Estavam jogando o disco no campo perto do lago grande do parque da cidade. Alguns cisnes nadavam nas águas calmas, ali perto e eles pareciam estar em um mundo todo próprio.

Ele viu o homem vindo na direção de onde eles estavam. Havia um sorriso estranho no seu rosto, como se ele estivesse vindo com alguma intenção.

Por alguma estranha e intrigante razão, assim que o homem se aproximou, um vento inesperado começou a soprar e os cisnes ficaram inquietos e barulhentos, abrindo suas asas e esticando seus longos pescoços à frente.

- Zéfiro, não é?

- Isso mesmo!

Os dois amigos se aproximaram do recém-chegado e o cumprimentaram. O homem sorriu e se inclinou para frente, pegou o disco do chão e o entregou ao homem loiro.

- Posso entrar no jogo?

- Claro. Seja bem-vindo.

- (Aquele sorriso de novo... O que significa, afinal?)


- Como assim, "voltaram"?

- Voltaram... como aqui e agora, mais uma vez.

- Eu pensei que já havia acabado.

- Eu também, mas parece que não.

- Tens certeza disto?

- Tenho, sim.

- O que vais fazer, então?

- Ainda não sei... mas preciso fazer alguma coisa... e rápido!

- Mesmo… é melhor pensar em algo!

- Eu sei. Este não é o momento perfeito... e eu pensei que estava... Quero dizer, ainda há muitas coisas para resolver e, então, agora, isso!

- Coragem! Embora saibas que vais precisar de bem mais do que um simples esforço, agora!

- Eu sei…

Por alguma razão, sua mente voltou no tempo, quando tudo começou...

- Oh! Deus!


domingo, 8 de setembro de 2019

Hyacinthus (Part 1)

The morning air was still very fresh, almost cold, in spite of being high summer season.

The man ran his both hands along his well-groomed blond hair, trying to hold it tamed against the wind which was blowing from the sea. Assuming he was alone, he stripped off his t-shirt, running shoes and shorts and then managed to tie his hair up on a bun at the top of his head. He crossed the white sands, walking confidently towards the fresh emerald-green waters and dove into the breaking waves…

It felt great and refreshing, after the sprint he had along the beach, as he normally did while staying at the summer house for as long as a full high season month.

Some minutes later he came off the sea and only then he noticed he was not actually alone, after all. He looked at where his clothes were left on and walked upon the fine sand to that direction.

He did not try to hide or cover his naked body. He simply grabbed his t-shirt and rubbed it on his upper body, intending to dry it out a bit and put his shorts back on. It was only then he finally spoke, while picking up his running shoes, ready to go back home.


“Demons are back, demons are back once again,
Fighting them off, I’m fighting them off once again,
It's hard for me, but I'm trying”… (Adam Evald; “That Day”)

- The story in this video clip is so sad.

- It is, but I like the song… very much…

- A mood song. I wonder what happened to them. Why did she leave?

- Do you really need to know? When it’s over, it’s over…

- But two beautiful people… popular culture tells us their lives must therefore be perfect.

- No life is perfect… sadly.

- But all advertising is based on the belief that it’s possible. And we fall for it.

- Do you still fall for those? It’s been a long time since I last believed in any perfect relationship.

- It does work!

He thought about it for as long as a full couple of seconds.

- It might work… for a time… maybe…

He got up and walked off the living room towards the balcony. The night was pleasant and quiet. He could hear the ocean roaring from the distance, invitingly, so he decided to go for a walk. He needed to think, get some fresh air, and let himself go with the summer night and the sea breeze… in his own inner and private world.


- Don’t you see it doesn’t work like that? It’s not only my will that counts in this situation. I cannot hurt people who got nothing to do with this situation for my own sake.

- You will have to, eventually.

- I hope not.

- What will you do, then? What do you want to do?

- I don’t know. I’ve tried to come to an end and all I could see was a dead end.

- You’ll have to find a way. Or else you’ll go crazy.

- Don’t push me.

- It’s my job to push you out of this comfort zone. You’re getting too used to pain and guilt… and sadness… besides those escape moments once a week or so…

- It’s easy for you to say it, when you’ve got so much less to lose.

He smiled. He knew what the man was talking about and he knew it was not as easy as he was pushing him into, but that was what he could do to help.

- We need to go. I have another patient waiting already.

The therapy session was over. The man felt almost relieved. Sometimes those meetings were very stressful as they pulled some strings really hard.

When he walked off the analyst office he felt tired… and sad… There were lots of things to think over until their next appointment.


Jealousy is a very dangerous thing. It can blur one’s discernment. And sometimes it can lead to things one might do without thinking… risky and hot-headed acts.

- Zephyr?

- Yes. He is the one. I know him.

- That’s a horrible name! Who still name their offspring like that?

He laughed. They were playing throwing the discus on the field by the bigger lake at the city park. There were a couple of swans swimming in the calm waters close by and that felt like they were in a world all of their own.

He saw the man coming towards where they were. There was a strange smile on his face, as if he was coming with some intention.

For some strange and mystifying reason, as soon as the man got closer, an unexpected wind started blowing and the swans got uneasy and noisy, spreading their wings and craning their long necks ahead. 

- Zephyr, you said, uh?

- Yeah, right!

The two friends approached the newcomer and greeted him. The man smiled and leaning forward, grabbed the discus from the ground and handed it in to the blond man.

- Mind if I join in the game?

- Not at all. Be welcome.

- (That smile again… What does it mean?)


- What do you mean by “back”?

- Back… like here and again.

- I thought that was over.

- Me too, but it seems it’s not.

- Are you sure about it?

- Pretty sure, yes.

- What will you do, then?

- I don’t know yet… but I must do something… and quick!

- You better!

- I know. It’s not the perfect timing… and I thought that was… I mean, there are so many things still to sort out and now this!

- Be brave! You’ll need more than that to face it!

- I know…

For some reason his mind went back in time, when it all started…

- Oh! God!
