Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta song. Mostrar todas as mensagens
Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta song. Mostrar todas as mensagens

domingo, 22 de dezembro de 2019


The gloomy melody was coming out of the old piano as those long fingers, almost as pale as the ivory keys, stroke them with bold lust, sometimes slowly, others energetically.

He played with the same sensuality that he strategically used on skin contact: careful, light, slow and precise, as opposed to the vigour of those big, strong hands.

The music score was all scribbled in an attempt to always perfect the work that would never be finished. Was that really perfectionism, laziness or a not-so-disguised narcissism?

How sad had the autumn become before a bleak, desolate winter was unexpectedly announced.

- Will you be back?

- One day.

- When? How?

- You'll know.

- Will I?

- Surely. Why not?

He tried to grin, but his smile was always so sad. How come he'd never smiled completely, with his eyes, his mouth, his whole face? Those eyes didn't even have proper wrinkles. Had he never really smiled? Had he never been truly happy?

That seemed more than a simple 'see you soon' or 'until one day'

- Will you be happy?

- I will.

A strange uneasiness in my heart. I wanted so much to hug that much-desired body again. I gave in to the internal conflict, which ran between right and wrong; between will, need, and longing, against what seemed ridiculous and coherent.

‘Damn the conflict. Who cares? It's now or never again!’

- Can I give you a hug?

- Sure.

How sad this hug, this anguish, that moment was... I wished I could hate him. But I couldn't.

How could someone hate those that were so much loved?

I let myself go free from that embrace. My eyes were moist. It was always so damn hard to let go.

- Don’t cry.

- No. I won't cry. I never cry, as you know.

He laughed.

- Yeah, right.

He looked at me for the last time with that sad, distant look; almost indecipherable; almost insurmountable and that was all about his decision to leave, so abruptly.

And then we parted and he departed. All those parts and pieces were all partly broken and parted, when he departed like he did. I felt like all parts of my soul were shattered and scattered around me.   

Only his song was left. Out of time. Out of tune and out of rhythm. Just like my heart…

The many notes were all left loose all over the aged and ripped-up music score so worn out by the use of those long pale fingers, which were tired of rewriting them, over and over, so many times and without being able to finish the piece, for once and for all.

There were also those words, handwritten one after the other, without metric and without rhymes in an impulsive and poor construction. A mixture of vowels and consonants, arranged to make some sense, on the yellowed paper sheets and fading, in time… in the eyes of memory…

A nostalgic, downhearted and unfinished Nocturne, left untouched on the old and now muted piano, at a strategic point in the living room.

That melancholic music still seemed to fully flood the empty spaces.

The emptiness, as a consequence, was overflowing all those blank spaces, once so full of life in my body and soul.

In my life there was only the glum, unfinished melody, still vibrating in the corners of the ambience and memory, like that pseudo-relationship, which had been suspended in an 'until now' expectation… infinitely…


domingo, 8 de setembro de 2019

Hyacinthus (Part 1)

The morning air was still very fresh, almost cold, in spite of being high summer season.

The man ran his both hands along his well-groomed blond hair, trying to hold it tamed against the wind which was blowing from the sea. Assuming he was alone, he stripped off his t-shirt, running shoes and shorts and then managed to tie his hair up on a bun at the top of his head. He crossed the white sands, walking confidently towards the fresh emerald-green waters and dove into the breaking waves…

It felt great and refreshing, after the sprint he had along the beach, as he normally did while staying at the summer house for as long as a full high season month.

Some minutes later he came off the sea and only then he noticed he was not actually alone, after all. He looked at where his clothes were left on and walked upon the fine sand to that direction.

He did not try to hide or cover his naked body. He simply grabbed his t-shirt and rubbed it on his upper body, intending to dry it out a bit and put his shorts back on. It was only then he finally spoke, while picking up his running shoes, ready to go back home.


“Demons are back, demons are back once again,
Fighting them off, I’m fighting them off once again,
It's hard for me, but I'm trying”… (Adam Evald; “That Day”)

- The story in this video clip is so sad.

- It is, but I like the song… very much…

- A mood song. I wonder what happened to them. Why did she leave?

- Do you really need to know? When it’s over, it’s over…

- But two beautiful people… popular culture tells us their lives must therefore be perfect.

- No life is perfect… sadly.

- But all advertising is based on the belief that it’s possible. And we fall for it.

- Do you still fall for those? It’s been a long time since I last believed in any perfect relationship.

- It does work!

He thought about it for as long as a full couple of seconds.

- It might work… for a time… maybe…

He got up and walked off the living room towards the balcony. The night was pleasant and quiet. He could hear the ocean roaring from the distance, invitingly, so he decided to go for a walk. He needed to think, get some fresh air, and let himself go with the summer night and the sea breeze… in his own inner and private world.


- Don’t you see it doesn’t work like that? It’s not only my will that counts in this situation. I cannot hurt people who got nothing to do with this situation for my own sake.

- You will have to, eventually.

- I hope not.

- What will you do, then? What do you want to do?

- I don’t know. I’ve tried to come to an end and all I could see was a dead end.

- You’ll have to find a way. Or else you’ll go crazy.

- Don’t push me.

- It’s my job to push you out of this comfort zone. You’re getting too used to pain and guilt… and sadness… besides those escape moments once a week or so…

- It’s easy for you to say it, when you’ve got so much less to lose.

He smiled. He knew what the man was talking about and he knew it was not as easy as he was pushing him into, but that was what he could do to help.

- We need to go. I have another patient waiting already.

The therapy session was over. The man felt almost relieved. Sometimes those meetings were very stressful as they pulled some strings really hard.

When he walked off the analyst office he felt tired… and sad… There were lots of things to think over until their next appointment.


Jealousy is a very dangerous thing. It can blur one’s discernment. And sometimes it can lead to things one might do without thinking… risky and hot-headed acts.

- Zephyr?

- Yes. He is the one. I know him.

- That’s a horrible name! Who still name their offspring like that?

He laughed. They were playing throwing the discus on the field by the bigger lake at the city park. There were a couple of swans swimming in the calm waters close by and that felt like they were in a world all of their own.

He saw the man coming towards where they were. There was a strange smile on his face, as if he was coming with some intention.

For some strange and mystifying reason, as soon as the man got closer, an unexpected wind started blowing and the swans got uneasy and noisy, spreading their wings and craning their long necks ahead. 

- Zephyr, you said, uh?

- Yeah, right!

The two friends approached the newcomer and greeted him. The man smiled and leaning forward, grabbed the discus from the ground and handed it in to the blond man.

- Mind if I join in the game?

- Not at all. Be welcome.

- (That smile again… What does it mean?)


- What do you mean by “back”?

- Back… like here and again.

- I thought that was over.

- Me too, but it seems it’s not.

- Are you sure about it?

- Pretty sure, yes.

- What will you do, then?

- I don’t know yet… but I must do something… and quick!

- You better!

- I know. It’s not the perfect timing… and I thought that was… I mean, there are so many things still to sort out and now this!

- Be brave! You’ll need more than that to face it!

- I know…

For some reason his mind went back in time, when it all started…

- Oh! God!


terça-feira, 16 de abril de 2019

One More Night (Epilogue)

We heard the doorbell ring. My daughter got up and walked on to the door, checked the door viewer and immediately opened it.

- May I come in?

- Yes, of course.

I turned around without saying anything, when I recognized the voice.

- May we talk for a minute or so? I promise I won’t be long.

She grabbed her things up as if she was late for something and said:

- I have to go to the supermarket urgently. There are some things I need to buy. I’ll be right back. Please feel at ease.

That strategy was her way of showing how worried she was and that she wanted us to be alone and sort our things out without any interference. The wise girl knew how to do the things so we could catch up. I knew that would not be easy anyway.

He came closer, without smiling, showing some evident apprehension. I did not smile either. He rubbed his hands and said, very low:

- I know I’ve been an asshole…


He looked at me with his bright blue eyes. I could hold my stare for much long, as I was afraid of my own feelings about him. My head was spinning, and I felt confused about the things I had just heard.

- Are you not going to say anything?

- I don’t know what to say. I was not expecting to hear these kinds of things this way, anyway.

- But that’s what I feel. I know you must be thinking I have to be sure about my feelings before diving deep into it, but I believe in what I feel despite my insecurities. I’ve never thought something like that would happen to me, but I’d rather try and fail, than never try… and I want to try it… with you…

- This is not going to be at all easy; you know…

- I know. It never is. But this is only about us and no one else. We don’t have to explain anything to anyone anyway.

- I don’t know what to say. This is something new to me. I don’t even know how to react.

- I don’t either, but we can try together. We have nothing to lose…

He stood up and took my hands into his. I tried to avoid his stare, but could not, as the power his eyes had over me was too strong. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, embracing me without hesitation or worries. I did not think much. I just rested my head on his chest and let myself go. I barely knew at that time that our involvement would be a lot deeper than a simple embrace.


- After so long, why now?

- I thought I could be away, but I was wrong. I’ve never stopped thinking about you two.

- And what happened to your “new life”?

He noticed the irony and stress I referred to when saying that expression he used when he told us he was going back to his home place to take care of his family business. It sounded like a very poor excuse, but he said he promised his family he would take over the family business if his father passed away. He knew I would not follow him but there were always different acceptable ways to sort some things out. He decided to be away and we’d lost contact, as time went by, naturally.

Unfair, not committed, selfish and irresponsible were but a few of the words I used to refer to him, at the time, but I suspected there were a lot more behind that decision. He was afraid of commitments, as far as I could tell, and our relationship was getting too serious.

Anyway, we went on with our lives, my daughter and I, as it should be, without him, for as long as we could. She grew up, went to school and studied what she liked, became a very responsible and focused person. We had always avoided talking about the past. She was just a child when he left, but she could remember what was happening between the two of us and she missed his attention and care too.

- I’m all alone now. I don’t belong anywhere.

- I see. And what does it change?

- It doesn’t change anything, but I thought a lot about everything. I had plenty of time to do so.

- And you don’t belong to anyone either, do you?

- I’ve never belonged to anyone. You know it better than anyone. And there was no one else in my life since I left you. I was too busy with my work but missed you a lot and was always thinking about you two, believe me.

I looked at him without truly believing a man like him would be all by himself, without anyone, for so long. It was almost impossible. I decided not to argue, anyway. It was not important anymore and I was not into quarrelling about such things.

- How long are you staying around?

I was not sure I should have asked that. I was afraid of the answer.

- I don’t really know.

Perfect answer, being the same as no answer at all. As usual on similar occasions, he answered without answering.

- I see. What are you here for, after all?

- Because I missed you too much and not only...

I looked away.

- Look at me.

I tried to run away but could not.

- What do you want from me?

- Another chance. I know I’ve been stupid, and I’ve made lots of mistakes leaving you the way I did, but I thought a lot about it, and I regret making you suffer because of my non-sense. I want it to go right this time.

I wanted to beat him… hard…

I was tired, sad and angry for what we had gone through and did not know what to think anymore. I just knew I knew nothing about anything at all.

He stood up, held my hands and said:

- Come with me.

- What? Where to?

- Just come with me!

- And the girl?

- Leave her a message. She is not a child anymore and she will understand. We won’t be long, anyway.


- I love this place!

- Me too, but we did not come here to watch the sea, did we?

- Yes, we did.

I looked at him, trying to find out if he was being serious or not. He just looked ahead to the horizon, very serious. The ocean was wild as was my heart. He walked two steps behind me. Being taller, he stood behind, then pulled me closer to him in a sudden warm embrace. He laid his chin on my shoulder, his face touching mine. So he whispered in my ears:

- What I want most is to be with you here or wherever. I’m tired of fighting against myself. I want you so much and don’t want to waste another second of my life.

- I should beat you hard, do you know that?

- You can be sure I do.

From where we were, I could hear the old song coming from the loudspeakers on the porch of the restaurant I went to so often in the past, for a coffee and a chat. And it went on…

…” They say that love can move a mountain
      They say love can break your heart 
      They say love can make you forget 
      Things that happened in the past

      For I've tasted your love and
      I need to taste some more 
      So wave goodbye to heaven for me
      I've thrown it all away 
      Just to spend one more night with you”…  

      (*) One more night with you: Ged McMahon 


sábado, 30 de março de 2019

One More Night (Part 3)

Κι αν ρωτήσεις πώς περνάω  … (And if you ask me how I am doing
θα σου πω δυο ψέματα                I will tell you two lies
ένα πως δε σ' αγαπάω                One that I do not love you
κι ένα πως σε ξέχασα (*)           And the other that I’ve forgotten you)…

(*) Dyo Psemata (δυο ψέματα): Antonis Remos

- Do you still remember?

- Of course I do. Some things just cannot be erased from our memories, can they?

- I guess not.

- And those words were so true.

- Against my will. I’m so sorry.

- What for?

He looked at me as if to say the most important and revealing thing in his life, but said nothing. That was the opportunity of a lifetime and if missed there would never be another one. He lowered his eyes.

I shook my head, frustrated. Feeling completely distressed I walked off to the seashore. I needed some “me-time” and to breath some fresh air freely and all by myself.

I felt too small facing the immense and menacing vastness of the ocean. The conflict in my mind was as scary as was everything around me. I was not sure if I was feeling anger or the urge to hug him and ended everything that separated us from each other, but that absence of positive attitude made me refrain from doing anything, so I decided I should not keep false expectations. Maybe that story had gone too far and ended after all, in spite of my poorly nourished hope.

I closed my eyes and inhaled the saline and iodate air of the ocean roaring in front of me. That filled my lungs and my spirit with such a good sensation, I could almost go back to my past and bring good memories to feed my aching soul.

I acknowledged that being alive was reason enough to be grateful regardless of all the things I had gone through. I had my gorgeous daughter and she was even more precious to me than my own life. I realized I had sowed quite a good amount of profitable seeds and I should be happy with what I had reaped. 

I took another deep breath and turned around. It was time to go back and take care of my own life…


The night was nice and fresh. The door to the balcony was open so to allow the breeze to blow through the house. I sat at the piano and started singing the same song that moved me so much. That time I was redeemed. That sorrow that filled my soul was an old comrade, but did not have the same effect on me anymore. I could look at it from a distance and move forward, although the scar would still be there to remind me of my past.

 She sat by my side and followed me on the harmony and vocals.

…” They say that love can move a mountain
      They say love can break your heart 
      They say love can make you forget 
      Things that happened in the past
      For I've tasted your love and
      I need to taste some more 
      So wave goodbye to heaven for me
      I've thrown it all away 
      Just to spend one more night with you”
…  (*)

      (*) One more night with you: Ged McMahon

- This is quite a sad thing, isn’t it?

- It is indeed. But I don’t want to complain. It’s not fair.

- She lay her head on my shoulder, while I was touching the keyboard so lightly it felt like a respectful caress. I sensed the anguish coming up to my throat and I could not sing or talk anymore. Two tears rolled down my face while my body shuddered as if convulsing.

She embraced me and, with her head in my chest, wept with me in the centre of the living room which seemed as immense as the ocean outside. 


A gentle breeze was blowing from the sea, bringing that familiar air into my nostrils. It was early spring and I felt lazy in the comfort of the deck chair. I stretched my legs and closed my eyes. The afternoon sun was shining bright, warm enough to be enjoyed at its full. I felt like photosynthesising. My baby daughter was sleeping soundly in the pushchair at my side, duly sheltered from the sun and the wind.   

It seemed a dark cloud covered the sun for a moment. I opened my eyes and noticed I there was a silhouette of a man between me and the sun.

- I’m sorry.

- What?

- I didn’t want to disturb, but the baby woke up and was a little uneasy so I thought it would be a good idea to check if she was OK. It seemed to me that you’ve fallen asleep. Do you want me to bring you anything?

The baby was just looking at me with her big green eyes, but without any sound. I must have fallen asleep for a while and did not hear her waking up, which was not usual. Either I was very tired or too relaxed not to notice something like that.

- Ah… no, thanks. I’m alright.

I got up and looked for the baby water bottle in the backpack. The water was warm, for being exposed to the direct sun.

- Thinking better, I will need a bottle of fresh water, please. This is beyond the acceptable temperature.

- I’ll ask the waitress to bring one. Would you like a cup of coffee too?

- Good idea. I guess I’ll need one. Thanks.

I wondered the reason why he was so nice to me, beyond what was expected by a normal customer. It was pleasant, of course, but I was not used to that kind of things.

The waitress brought the water and two cups of coffee and laid them down on the table. I looked at her, astounded, but I soon realized why so. The manager came and sat with me, showing some assumed familiarity and said.

- I hope I’m not being too pushy if I sit here with you for a while.

- Of course not. Feel at ease.

- I really love this time of the day. It’s so calm and peaceful and I simply love this light and the colours. It feels like the world stops turning for a moment just so we can savour a strong and aromatic coffee.

I looked at him overwhelmed not only by the light poetry of what he said, but also by the way he expressed himself so freely, fluently and confidently.

He smiled.

- What? Did I say anything wrong?

- No. Not really. On the contrary. It was very well said.

- So?

- I was not expecting it from you… just that…

He pretended not to feel amused by having me surprised and sipped his coffee, very calmly and looking at the sea lazily stretching its arms out over the white and fine sand. I pretended to be checking the girl but noticed he laughed quietly.

- May I ask you a question?

He laughed.

- You can, but I might not answer.

Wise guy. He was using my speech.

- Why do you treat me like that?

- Like what?

- Being so kind and showing this gentle familiarity without being pushy or too intimate. I am just a customer. 

- Perhaps not. I’m a man used to living alone and I can make out a similar fellow when I see one. You’re always here alone with your baby girl but never among friends. Don’t you feel lonely?

- Not really. I guess I have always been like this, introverted and busy with my own things instead of being among lots of people.

- I understand. Don’t you miss being with someone?

I ran away from the question.

- Oh. I have someone and she is adorable.

He chuckled.

- Well, I do. Although I have always been a man of short-time affairs, I miss being with someone sometimes.

- Funny. We have never talked about this before.

- I know. It’s a proof of some trust isn’t it?

- I believe so. And would you tell me why have you only had short-term affairs?

- I think I take too long to have faith in people. I’ve been through some situations and lost confidence and trust in most…

The sentence was left unfinished leaving space for imagination and questioning.

- I think I’m also like that. We are so similar.

- I see. What a pair!

He raised the cup and said, smiling:

- A toast to the loners!

- A toast to the loners!

I had not noticed before that there was music playing from the loudspeakers on top of the porch. The song was an old one which was very familiar to me. I felt like singing the chorus.

Κι αν ρωτήσεις πώς περνάω   (Ki an ro̱tí̱seis pó̱s pernáo̱)  (And if you ask me how I am doing
θα σου πω δυο ψέματα            (ha sou po̱ dyo psémata)    I will tell you two lies
ένα πως δε σ' αγαπάω              (éna po̱s de s ' agapáo̱)      One that I do not love you
κι ένα πως σε ξέχασα (*)          (ki éna po̱s se xéchasa)      And the other that I’ve forgotten you)

(**) Dyo Psemata (δυο ψέματα): Antonis Remos

- Do you know this song?

- I surely do but I’d never expect to hear it right here. It’s an old Greek song…

- Do you know the meaning of the lyrics?

- As a matter of fact, I do. It’s such a sad song, in my opinion.

He looked at me, serious. Then he said something that caught me in surprise.

- It is, indeed. But I would never want a thing like that to happen to us.
