segunda-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2020

domingo, 29 de novembro de 2020

Oblivion: Final Part: Forgiving and Forgetting


It was your stare

That stopped the time,

It was your smile

That brought 

That immediate open invitation,

It was your handshake

That heated my heart up.

Then it was your kiss

And your embrace

That made everything else

Lose colour

And interest.

It was your body,

Your eyes,

Your smile,

And your hands,

Your lips 

And your arms, around my body,

That made me fall

Into this chasm

Of Oblivion,

Which made the past

Turn into just a dull

Hazy misty dusty cloud

Of trifling nature.

And then, 

From that point on,

Everything else was possible

To be forgiven

And forgotten...

For the present is, 


A gift 

And the future, 

An adventure

We are to face together! 

sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2020

sábado, 31 de outubro de 2020

This Feeling

This feeling

That made its home

In my heart,

Fills my soul

With life 

And yearning

And makes me want to be

Forever in your arms,

Warmed up

By your exquisite body,

Nourished by your kisses

And esteemed by your sweet 

And affectionate gaze.

sábado, 24 de outubro de 2020

Deuses do Mar


Uma brisa suave entrava pela grande porta de correr, que ligava a varanda à sala de estar. Todas as janelas haviam sido abertas desde cedo, naquele dia quente e ensolarado. Não havia uma única nuvem a manchar o intenso azul do céu.

Depois de um leve e breve café da manhã, decidimos que íamos passar a maior parte do dia à beira-mar. Seria apenas uma curta viagem de carro até a praia mais próxima, onde poderíamos nos refrescar e relaxar juntos. Afinal, para que servem as férias de verão?

- Eu nasci na ilha, sabes disso. O oceano faz parte da minha existência desde que eu me conheço por gente.

- Tu és filho de um daqueles deuses do mar! Tenho certeza.

Ele disse aquilo e abriu seu largo, enigmático e adorável sorriso, que sempre fazia a tristeza desaparecer dos meus olhos, por um momento, como se nunca dantes tivesse ali estado.

- Meu ‘pai’, então, está muito sereno hoje. Até as ondas estão pouco agitadas, quase uma calmaria, ​​no momento. Ele provavelmente me sente por perto...

- Eu pensei que o oceano fosse, de alguma forma, bem diferente disso. Eu conheço o Mar Mediterrâneo. Já estive lá algumas vezes, mas não é, definitivamente, assim. O oceano parece muito mais poderoso e a água é tão mais fria!

- É melhor ficarmos pouco tempo aqui no sol direto, pois não estamos acostumados e nossas peles são muito pálidas, para ficarem expostas assim a estes raios escaldantes.

- Eu, às vezes, duvido que tu tenhas, realmente, nascido na ilha...

- Quando eu era jovem, tive uma grave queimadura de sol e tenho muito medo de repetir uma experiência daquelas.

- Ah! Eu sei muito bem o que tu queres dizer. Cometi o mesmo erro quando estava no colégio. Podes-me ajudar com o protetor solar, então, por favor?

- Claro! Vira-te, um pouco.


O vento soprava forte, anunciando uma tempestade. As ondas batiam, ruidosamente, na costa e nas rochas. Nenhum barco havia saído para o mar. O céu, muito nublado, estava mais escuro que o normal, para aquela hora do dia. Algumas bravas aves marinhas esperavam na praia, como se estivessem contando os minutos para pescar, mas o vento não as deixava chegar muito perto das águas.

Eu estava sentado, sozinho e em silêncio e sem nenhum pensamento sólido em mente. Gostava de estar ali, acompanhando o vai-e-vem das ondas, quase em transe, como se a esvaziar minha alma de todos os problemas. Estava tranquilo, por haver enterrado aqueles sentimentos pungentes do meu passado. Era incrível como eu havia mudado nos últimos meses.

Ouvi o trovão, ao longe, e levantei-me, pronto para sair da praia, antes que a chuva me alcançasse e caísse fria e pesada sobre mim.

Algo em minha mente, porém, me disse para esperar. Foi uma sensação estranha, como se alguém me estivesse chamando. Eu olhei em volta. O vento soprava cada vez mais forte e o oceano parecia mais selvagem.

Um cão corria ao longo da linha do mar, seguido por um menino de cerca de cinco anos, atento ao animal, mas totalmente alheio a qualquer perigo. O cão correu atrás de algumas das gaivotas que descansavam na areia, junto às rochas. O menino vinha, sorrindo e brincando, atrás de seu animal de estimação.

A chuva, como já devia ser esperado, caiu sobre todos nós. Os dois não pareciam se importar com nada, além de sua brincadeira.

O animal escalou o rochedo e acabou afugentando os pássaros, que lá estavam. Uma onda bateu, ruidosamente, contra as grandes pedras. Eu pressenti o perigo e corri, mas não fui rápido o suficiente.

O menino pisou na superfície molhada e escorregou. Ele tentou, mas não conseguiu agarrar-se a nada e foi abraçado pela onda que se seguiu. O pobre cão ficou totalmente perdido, tentando fazer alguma coisa, correndo e ganindo em desespero.

Antes que eu os alcançasse, o animal pulou no oceano, atrás do rapaz, que já não estava à vista.

Eu gritei, mas era tarde demais. Eles desapareceram em segundos, engolidos pelas águas frias e agressivas.

Eu não pensei muito. Apenas agi por instinto.


- O que foi que tu fizeste?

Eu virei a cabeça.

- O que tu achas que eu fiz?

- Como foi que aquilo aconteceu?

Evitei a pergunta.

- Ele está vivo, não está? Ambos estão. É isto que importa, na verdade...

- Sim. Mas…

Eu olhei pra ele. Ele segurou meus braços, com firmeza e tentou falar devagar e com calma.

- Havia uma tempestade e o mar estava muito agitado. Como tu poderias retirá-los das águas, assim? Como aquela tempestade poderia, simplesmente, parar e o mar ficar tão plácido?

Evitei seus olhos.

- Eu não sei. Como eu iria saber?

 - O que tu estás escondendo?

Fechei meus olhos e as memórias vieram rápidas na minha mente. Quando os abri de volta, seus olhos estavam fixos nos meus. Decidi que não poderia evitar os fatos, nem a verdade, então falei.


- Meu pai... me ajude!

Saltei das rochas, para dentro do mar. Senti como se o tempo tivesse parado. As águas, de repente, se acalmaram e as ondas quase desapareceram.

Eu vi o menino e seu cão bem perto. O animal arrastava o dono pela camisa e vinha na minha direção, como se soubesse que eu estava ali para tirá-los do perigo que corriam. Ambos haviam engolido bastante água e o menino estava quase inconsciente.

Ele tentava respirar. Eu o puxei de volta para a praia e massageei seu peito, mantendo seu rosto virado para o lado. Ainda quase inconsciente, ele expeliu um pouco de água, tossiu e aquilo deixou seu rosto mais corado.

O cão saltava ao nosso redor, ganindo e inspecionando o amigo com o focinho.

Eu ouvi alguém gritando. Dois homens vinham de direções diferentes. Um deles eu conhecia muito bem.

O homem se aproximou do menino e segurou-o contra seu peito. Aparentemente, havia-me visto salvando seu filho...

O rosto amigável do outro homem estava voltado para mim, com seus curiosos olhos azul-esverdeados, muito abertos.

Olhei para o mar, que voltou ao seu estado normal, quase que imediatamente. A tempestade se fora. Ao longe, a espuma branca das novas ondas desenhava figuras engraçadas na água. Uma onda específica parecia ser mais alta que todas as outras. De repente dissolveu-se e deixou a superfície da água quase intacta...

Sorri para mim mesmo e encarei meu melhor amigo, que estava parado ao meu lado.

Ele olhava para mim, seriamente, com seus olhos brilhantes muito arregalados.


sexta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2020

Your Eyes


Are they sky or are they ocean?

Are they placid lake or wild and dense forest?

Are they chilling breeze in the summer?

Or warming bonfire in the winter?

Are they rapture and passion?

Or balance and reason?

Are they pale and distant horizon?

Or remote shining galaxy

In the dark blue sky?

Are they gates to heavenly bliss?

Or doorways to hellacious sin?

Are they laughter and happiness?

Or tender emotional tears?

Whatever they really are,


I love the way you look at me…

Your gaze bares my soul

And discloses my emotions

Openly and freely,

Boldly and shamelessly.

For when you set

That unique

And intense stare of yours

Upon me,  

I feel like my whole body

Is being touched,

Caressed and canoodled

By the exquisite gawk

Of your undeniably gentle eyes.

sábado, 10 de outubro de 2020

sábado, 3 de outubro de 2020

The Son of a Sea God


There was a mild breeze blowing through the large sliding door that connected the balcony to the living-room. All the windows had been opened since early in the morning, on that warm and clear day. There was not a single cloud in the bright blue sky.

After a light breakfast, we decided we should spend most of the day by the sea. It would be just a short drive to the nearest beach, where we could refresh and relax together. What are summer holidays for, anyway?

- I was born on the island, you know. The ocean has been part of my existence ever since I came to this life.

-You’re the son of one of those sea-gods! I’m sure.

He said that and smiled. That enigmatic smile; that adorable broad smile that makes the sadness in my eyes disappear for a while, as if it had not been there ever before.

- My ‘father’, then, is very calm today. Even the waves are just even and steady at the moment. He probably feels me around…

- I’ve thought the ocean was somehow different from this. I know the Mediterranean Sea. I’ve been there a few times, but it’s not like this. This looks so more powerful and the water is really cold!

- We better stay just a short time out in the sun, as we are not used to it and our skins are too pale to be exposed like this to the sweltering rays.

- I, sometimes, doubt you were really born on the island…

- I got a serious sunburn when I was young and I’m really afraid of going that road again.

- Ah! I know what you mean…. very well. I made the same mistake when I was in high school. Would you help me with the sunscreen, then, please?

- Of course! Just turn around.


The wind was blowing fiercely. There was a storm coming. Waves were crashing at the shore and the rocks. No boats were out. The heavy cloudy sky was darker than normally at that time of the day. Some brave seabirds were waiting at the beach, as if counting the minutes to go in and fish, but the wind would not let them get closer to the waters.

I was alone, sitting quietly and without any solid thoughts in mind. I liked being there, looking at the waves, as if emptying my soul from all the troubles. I had buried those bad feelings I had from my past. It was incredible how I had changed in the last few months.

I heard the thunder in the distance and got up, ready to leave the beach, before the rain would reach me and fall down cold and heavy on the unprepared me.

Something in my mind told me to wait. It was a strange feeling, as if someone was calling me. I looked around. The wind was blowing harder and harder and the ocean seemed wilder.

A dog was running along the sea line and a young boy of about five years old or so was coming behind him, worried about the animal and unaware of any danger.  The dog ran after some of the seagulls which were sitting on the sand by the rocks. The boy came after his pet.

The expected rain fell upon all of the unattended us. The two did not seem to care.

The dog climbed the rocks, but missed the birds, when the wave crashed heavily on the rocks. I saw it coming, so I ran to them, but I was not quick enough.

The boy stepped on the wet surface and slipped down. His grip was too weak to hold on to anything and he was embraced by the next wild wave. The poor dog was totally lost, trying to do something, running around and yelping in despair.

Before I reached them, the dog jumped in the ocean behind the young lad, who was not at sight at all.

I shouted, but it was too late. They disappeared in seconds, swallowed by the cold and harsh waters.

I did not think much. I just acted instinctively.


- What have you done?

I turned my head.

- What do you think I have done?

- How did that happen?

I avoided the question.

- He is alive. Both are. That’s all that matters, in fact…

- Yes, but…

I looked at him. He held my arms. He tried to speak slowly and calmly.

- There was a storm and the ocean was too rough. How could you get them back from the waters like that? How could the storm simply stop and the sea become so placid?

I avoided his eyes.

- I don’t know. How would I know?

- What are you hiding?

I closed my eyes and the memories came rushing into my mind. When I opened them back, his eyes were locked in mine. I decided I could not avoid the facts and the truth, so I talked.


- Father... Help me!

I jumped into the ocean. I felt like the time stopped. The waters suddenly calmed down and the waves almost disappeared.

I saw the boy and the dog very close. The animal was dragging his owner by his shirt, as if knowing I was there to bring them off the danger they were in. Both had swallowed a good amount of water and the boy was almost unconscious.

He was trying to breath. I pulled him back to the beach and massaged his chest, keeping his face turned to one side. He was still barely conscious, but as soon as he expelled some water, he coughed and that brought some colour to his face.

The dog leapt around us, yelping and sniffing his friend.

I heard someone shouting. Two men were coming from different directions. One of them I knew very well.

The man approached the boy and held him close to his chest. Apparently he saw me saving his son…

The other man’s friendly face was gazing at me with his inquisitive blue-greenish eyes wide open.

I looked at the sea and it was back to its normal state. The storm was gone. In the distance the white foam from the new waves drew funny figures on the water. One specific wave seemed to be higher than the others. It suddenly melted away and left the surface almost untouched…

I smiled to myself and turned to my best friend, who was standing by my side.

He was staring at me with his bright eyes.


domingo, 27 de setembro de 2020

(More Than) Five Senses


Touch me.

Let me feel your fingertips

Run along my skin,

As if they were trying

To explore the ins and outs

Off the topography map

My body has turned out to be,

Just for you

To delve into

This sea of pleasure.

Taste me.

Let me feel your lips

And the tip of your tongue

Relishing me,

Taking delight

From the potion

You savour in my mouth,

And that inebriates

And confuses your senses,

Making you lose control

Of your own will.

Smell me.

Feel the scent

Of my bare skin,

My hair

And all those secret places

You know so well

And keep them printed

In your mind,

So you will never forget  

You’re familiarly

Home in my body.

Talk to me.

Let me hear your voice,

Like the sweet sound

Of thunder

In the distance,

As you whisper in my ears

How much you like being here,


And with me.

Look at me.

See how I really am

Beyond the masks

We have to wear

In the everyday


Look into my eyes,

See yourself

Reflected in there

And read me:

It’s so much easier

Now you know I belong

Right there

In the depths of you.

Hug me.

Let me feel your arms

And your legs

All around my body.

Shelter me

In your chest,

Holding me close

And tight,

As if you were trying

To make me be

A part of yourself,

As if you never wanted me

To go free

From your everlasting

And protective embrace.

Feel me…


I’m so much more

Than just five senses,

That fit into ordinary


Trust my heart

And believe my emotions

Are pure and genuine.

There’s nothing more intense,


Or powerful,

Than what I,


Feel for you.