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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Oumuamua. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sábado, 5 de janeiro de 2019

Obliviar (Parte 4: O Futuro)

Os olhos do homem de pele muito pálida estavam tristemente fixos nos dois jovens amigos. Ele sabia o que eles queriam e sabia o que fazer, mas não tinha certeza se devia… ou queria… já que estava tão perto de…


- Feche os olhos e relaxe. Vai ser uma viagem difícil. Tente ficar calmo.

Ele seguiu as instruções, como lhe fora dito. Nem tinha como não fazê-lo. A viagem começou logo. Ele sentiu um calor no rosto. Parecia que havia uma luz muito forte à sua frente. Ele tentou abrir os olhos, mas foi como se olhasse directamente para o sol. Era impossível mantê-los abertos, sem o risco de magoar-se. Ele tornou a fechá-los bem, até que sentiu o calor arrefecer um pouco. Acreditando ser mais seguro, ele, então, abriu os olhos, com muito cuidado.

Foi então que ele o avistou. Era menor que imaginara e movia-se mais rápido que ele esperava. Oumuamua, ou algo muito similar, viajava no espaço à sua frente. Ele olhou à volta. Estava sozinho, no meio da escuridão do espaço, sentindo-se como quando caiu na fenda, alguns dias antes.

- Mas que diabos! Acho que estou delirando!

Seu corpo vibrava como se todas as moléculas quisessem manter-se unidas, mas precisavam de um esforço enorme para tanto. Ele sentiu uma dor dilacerante, quase insuportável. Depois, pareceu-lhe que todo aquele desespero cessou e ele viu-se de volta na densa escuridão. Como se estivesse sendo sugado, em alta velocidade, por dentro do tubo de um enorme aspirador, seu corpo foi jogado na direcção de uma luz muito branca, mas, daquela vez, perceptivelmente fria. Ele, então, caiu dentro de uma cápsula de vidro, no meio de uma sala toda branca e sem mobília. O choque foi inesperado. Agachado, pelo impacto da queda, ele tentava perceber onde estava.

Ele ouviu o som perturbador de uma sirene, tocando insistentemente, como se estivesse em aflição. Olhou à sua volta e viu um grupo de pessoas de aparência estranha, embora um tanto familiar. Havia, também, uma mulher cujos olhos eram tão verdes, que sobressaíam no meio deles, como um farol na escuridão da noite.

Ele reconheceu um homem de pele muito pálida e sorriu. Estava no futuro.


- Como é que tu sabias que o terminal ainda estava ativo?

O homem pálido olhou para o jovem e conjeturou se deveria dizer a verdade ou simplesmente evitar a pergunta e mudar de assunto. Decidiu que já era hora de dizer a verdade.

- Eu o consertei sozinho. Planeava ir de volta ao futuro, mas desconfiava que o terminal não fosse resistir a mais que uma viagem, se tanto, pelo estrago que havia sofrido. Foi sorte… Para falar a verdade, ainda não sei, ao certo, se conseguimos nosso intento.

- Não? Como não?

- As avarias eram quase irreparáveis. Mas como havia uma hipótese, eu tinha que tentar, de todas as formas. Da minha parte, não ia ser grande perda, se algo desse errado com a minha viagem. Eu não tinha nada a perder.

- Então por que não foste antes, sozinho? Ninguém ia saber…

- Eu não estava totalmente preparado e, então, vocês vieram e…

- Isso não é justo e é muito perigoso, de todas as formas.

- É o que é. Aquele jovem precisava de ajuda urgente e eu possuía os meios. Eu tinha que fazer alguma coisa para ajudar. Se tivermos sorte, ele voltará, com alguma resposta.

- E uma missão…

O homem de pele pálida tentou sorrir, mas não conseguiu. Ele não se sentia nada confortável. Estava preocupado. A tristeza em seus olhos era tão palpável, que parecia sólida.

- Esperemos que sim.

- Quanto tempo temos que esperar?

- Se tudo correr como planeado, cerca de uma hora, somente… mas sabes que o tempo é somente um conceito, neste tipo de situações. Existem muitas condicionantes…

O jovem olhou para ele. Ele estava, obviamente, muito preocupado. E se alguma coisa desse errado? Aquilo era uma loucura, mas como ele poderia controlar um amigo necessitado e com tanta teimosia e resistência?

- Eu sei o que estás a pensar. Estou tão preocupado quanto tu. Se a viagem não foi bem-sucedida, nós teremos perdido muito mais que uma hora do nosso precioso tempo, simplesmente… e, agora, não podemos fazer nada, além de esperar.

- Pois! Eu nunca deveria ter concordado com esta loucura!

- Agora é muito tarde! Como sempre, vamos ter que esperar e ver o que acontece.


- Como é que conseguiste viajar até aqui, através do tempo e do espaço? Quem te ajudou?

O Supremo estava totalmente fora de si, apesar de ser um homem calmo e razoável, na maioria das vezes. Ele já havia passado por situações semelhantes, em que viajantes do tempo haviam entrado, inadvertidamente, naquele terminal, mas, daquela vez, sentia que algo estava muito errado.

O estrangeiro continuava a olhar para a mulher, que estava, também, curiosa sobre a intenção daquela interferência em suas rotinas, por um homem jovem, vindo de um passado distante em seu planeta de origem.

O Supremo ficou mais impaciente e disse à mulher:

- Dê um jeito nisso! E mande-o de volta para quando e onde ele veio!

A mulher estava surpresa com aquele acesso de impaciência, diante de uma situação que já havia acontecido tantas vezes antes. Ela sabia, todavia, que ele não gostava dos visitantes que vinham do passado. Seu próprio irmão havia sido um péssimo exemplo a lembrar e, com certeza, era aquela a razão pela qual o Supremo lhe havia dado aquela missão, antes que algo pior voltasse a acontecer.

Ela pousou seus olhos verdes sobre o rapaz e pediu que ele a seguisse até o laboratório na Estação Estelar, onde o doutor poderia ajudá-los com a situação.

Até aquele momento o rapaz não havia dito nada. Quando estavam os dois sozinhos, ele olhou para a mulher, que percebeu, logo, que ele ia dizer uma coisa muito importante. Seu coração acelerou. Ele percebeu que não deviam ser boas notícias.

- Eu tenho uma mensagem do passado e do futuro.

- Tu não estás fazendo muito sentido.

- Eu sei, mas vais entender quando eu explicar.

- Então fale, rapaz!

- Leona…

Seus olhos arregalaram-se. Como ele poderia saber seu nome? O coração da mulher acelerou outra vez. Ela precisava se acalmar e não estava disposta a tal, até que a situação fosse completamente exposta.

- Eu não vim por uma razão somente. Mas precisarei da tua compreensão e da tua ajuda.

- Como é que sabes meu nome?

- Eu sei mais que o teu nome. Há coisas que precisas saber, para poder agir, antes que seja tarde demais. Mas eu vim por razões pessoais também. Eu preciso da tua ajuda, para voltar ao meu passado… uns anos antes da época da qual eu vim agora.

- Como é que eu posso confiar em ti e ajudar? Estas coisas não são fáceis. Os terminais são vigiados por câmaras projetadas para escrutinar quaisquer movimentos.

- Eu sei que há um velho terminal na Estação Estelar. O Décimo-Terceiro me disse.

- Quem?

- John, o Décimo-Terceiro…

- Como assim? Onde é que ele está?

- Ele está no passado… e não pode vir ao futuro.

- E como é que tu pudeste?

- Através do terminal que ele ia usar. Não foi totalmente destruído, quando vocês foram transportados na última vez, mas agora deve estar… Tu estás em grande perigo, Leona. Tens que acreditar em mim.

- Espera. Pode parar! Do que é que falas? John, o Décimo-Terceiro, ou seja que nome vocês o chamem, está muito doente. Nós estamos a trabalhar numa vacina e os resultados não são nada promissores. Ele não pode ter sobrevivido…

- Leona, eu preciso que falar com o teu pai. As vacinas estão sendo sabotadas.

- Sabotadas? Por quem? Quem seria tão estúpido?

- Não é estupidez, Leona. Ele é um homem muito inteligente, que tem um propósito maléfico e muita sede de poder. Nós temos que fazer algo… urgente, antes que seja tarde demais. O Supremo tornou-se um homem com uma mente muito pervertida. Ele é mau. Ele vai destruir este planeta, em questão de dias.

- De jeito nenhum. Tu estás delirando. Ele nunca… Ele tem todo o poder que precisa. Além do mais, ele é o maior interessado em seguir os resultados das pesquisas e testes com a vacina.

- Acredita em mim, por favor. Nós estamos perdendo tempo. Como é que tu sabes que eu sei estas coisas todas? Eu tenho que falar com o teu pai. Por favor. Eu posso ajudar.

- Leona!

A mulher virou-se. Dois homens, bem mais velhos que eles, vinham, apressados, pelo corredor. Eles, simplesmente, ignoraram o estrangeiro, como se ali não estivesse. 

- Tens que vir e ver isso. A vacina não está a funcionar. O efeito é muito destrutivo, agora.

- Pai!

- Eu posso ajudar!

- E quem és tu?

- Um visitante do passado, que veio tentar salvar o futuro.

- Do que é que ele está a falar?

Ela tentou explicar, mas antes que começasse, um grito, vindo do laboratório, no outro lado do corredor, fê-los parar a conversa e começar a correr.

- Ele está morrendo!


domingo, 30 de dezembro de 2018

Oblivion (Part 4: The Future)

The pale skinned man’s green eyes were set sadly at the two young friends. He knew what they wanted from him and he knew what to do, but he did not know if he should… or wanted to do… He was so close to…


- Close your eyes. Relax. You’ll be on a hard trip. Try to stay calm.

He did as he was told to. His trip soon began. He felt his face heating up. It seemed to him a bright light was so close ahead. He tried to open his eyes but it was like looking at the sun, so he shut them tight. Some seconds afterwards, he felt the heat receding. He believed it was safe to open his eyes and he did, carefully.

Then he saw it. It was smaller than he thought it would be and was moving faster than he expected. “Oumuamua” or something very similar to it was travelling the space in front of his eyes. He looked around. He was alone in a dark space, like the one when he fell in the hole.

- What the hell? Am I hallucinating?

His body was vibrating as if all the molecules in it were driven in a freaking movement, trying to stay together, but fighting hard for it. Then he felt an excruciating pain. Suddenly it all stopped and he was back in the darkness. He felt as if he was being sucked into a large vacuum cleaner tube in high speed. Then he saw a cool flash of white light and he finally fell into a glass capsule, in the middle of a large white room, without any furniture around. The shock was unexpected. He was on his hands and knees, trying to figure out where he was.

He heard the annoying sound of a siren ringing insistently. He looked around. What he saw was some strange looking people, although somehow familiar to him. He also saw a woman with very deep green eyes. He recognized one of the very pale skinned men. He smiled. He was in the future.


- How did you know the terminal was still active?

The pale man looked at the young man in front of him and wondered if he should tell the truth or simply avoid the question and change subject. He decided it was time to say the truth.

- I repaired it myself. I was planning to go back to the future and I knew it would not resist for more than one trip, if so, as it was too damaged. It was luck… In fact, I still don’t know for sure if he succeeded.

- You don’t? Oh, man.

- The damage was almost irreparable. But there was a chance and I had to try it, anyway. I would not mind if anything went wrong with my trip. I’d have not nothing to lose…

- But then why did you not go before and all by yourself? No one would ever know…

- I was not totally ready, but then you guys came and…

- Oh, man. That is not fair and it’s so dangerous anyway.

- It is what it is. That young man needed urgent help and I had the means. I had to help him. Hopefully he’ll come back with an answer.

- And a mission…

The pale skinned man tried to smile but could not. He was not comfortable. He was worried. The sadness in his eyes was so palpable, almost solid.

- Hopefully.

- How long are we to wait?

- If everything goes as planned, just one hour… you know… Time is just a concept. There are too many “ifs” …

The young man looked at him. He was obviously very worried by then. What if anything went wrong? That was insane… but how could he stop a friend in need with such a stubborn resistance?

- I know what you’re thinking. I am as concerned as you are. If the trip was unsuccessful, we would have lost more than just time… and now there is nothing to do but wait.

- Oh, man. I should have never agreed with this madness!

- Too late now! We will have to wait and see… as always…


- How could you travel here into time and space? Who helped you?

The Supreme was restless and he was normally a very calm and reasonable man. He had faced some time travellers coming inadvertently into the terminal, but this time he felt something was very wrong.

The stranger kept on looking to the woman, who was also curious about the intent of that interference in their routine, by that young man coming from the distant past of her original birth planet.

The Supreme got even more impatient and told the woman:

- Sort this thing out, will you? And send him back to where and when he came from!

The woman was surprised the Supreme was so upset by a thing that happened so many times before. She knew, however, that he disliked the people from the past. Her brother was a bad example to remember and she knew why she had to sort that thing out, before they had another unpleasant incident.

She set her green eyes on the young man and asked him to follow her to the lab at the Stellar Station, where the doctor would help her with the situation.

Up to the moment when they left, the young man said almost nothing. When they were all by themselves, he looked at the woman and she noticed he was going to say something important. Her heart pounded fast. She knew those could not be good news.

- I have a message from the past and the future.

- You’re not making any sense.

- I know, but you will understand when I explain.

- Then speak, young man.

- Leona…

Her eyes widened. How did he know her name? Her heart was beating faster now. She needed to calm down and she was not likely to.

- I did not come for one reason only. But I’ll need your trust and your help.

- How do you know my name?

- I know more than your name. There are things you must know and act before it’s too late. But I’m here for personal reasons too. I need your help to go back to my past; years before the time I came from.

- How can I trust you and help you? Things are not that easy to do. The terminals are being scrutinized by cameras designed to keep all movements under vigilance.

- I know there is an old terminal at the Stellar Station. The Thirteenth told me about it.

- Who?

- John, the Thirteenth…

- Where is he? How come?

- He is in the past… and cannot come to the future.

- How could you, then?

- Through the terminal he was going to use. It was not totally destroyed when you came through last time… You are in great danger, Leona. You’ve got to believe me.

- Wait. Stop! What are you talking about? John... the Thirteenth… whatever he is being called, is very ill. We are trying to work on the vaccine and we are not succeeding at all. He could not have survived...

- Leona, I need to talk to your father. The vaccines have been sabotaged.

- Sabotaged? By who? Who would be stupid enough?

- Not stupid, Leona. He’s a very wise man with an evil purpose and a hunger for power. We need to do something… urgently, before it’s too late. The Supreme turned into a man with a very twisted mind. He is evil. He will destroy the planet in some days from now.

- No way. You’re hallucinating. He would never… He has all the power he wants. Besides, he is the one more interested in following the results of the research and tests of the vaccine.

- Believe me, please. We are running short of time. How do you think I know all these things? I must talk to your father. Please. I can help you.

- Leona!

The woman turned around. Two older men were coming along the corridor. They simply ignored the visitor, as if he was not there.

- You need to come and see this. The vaccine is not working. The effect is very destructive now.

- Father!

- I can help!

- And who are you?

- A visitor from the past to try and save the future.

- What is he talking about?

She tried to speak, but a cry from the lab on the other side of the corridor made them stop the conversation and run.

- He’s dying!


sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2018

Oblivion (Part 2: Going Back)

- No. It’s impossible!

- Read it again, please. Try to read between the lines. It’s small, its surface is reflective, and it has not been detected by the telescopes until it was too close, but too fast to be followed by the cameras in the satellites… Look at the picture. Don’t you think it is…?

- Stop it. That can’t be anything from an alien planet…

- But it can be from our planet, in another era, ahead of this time, can’t it?

- You’re trying to confuse me.

- I’m just trying to find a way, a theory, a response, a way out…

- You know I’m not a scientist. How many times do I need to remind you of this?

- You’re made of the best genetic material there was… there is… there will be… Oh, man... How can I put it right?

- Just don’t.

- Think with me. Try to think as a scientist, please. You’ve survived because you’re one of the most skilled and prepared beings. Just use your brain in a practical way.

- I survived because I was sent back in time a few seconds before the explosion… And I was not the only one, as you know.

- Think! Please?

That man with very pale skin looked very seriously at the young men in front of him and spoke his heart.

- In the era where I came from there were no such types of transports. We used to travel using time-transport terminals, which were a lot more efficient. The only vehicle I was introduced to was the one that brought me here when the planet exploded and that was absolutely outdated, but still efficient for the purpose. The man who destroyed the planed used it so not to be detected by the system which monitored the terminals. The capsule was sent to the past through a slit deliberately opened in time, by him, at the moment of the explosion. That would never have the format of your ‘Oumuamua’ thing. It might have come from the past, not the future and it’s been probably travelling for many hundred, maybe thousands of years…

- Then you agree that it is from another planet.

- I don’t agree or disagree with anything. We have very little information about it to conclude anything with a good accuracy. All we have are theories. What I said was that it did not come from the same place and time I came from...
The pale man looked to the two young soldiers. His eyes were showing a kind of deep sadness when he completed the sentence.

- …And to where and when I will never come back again. The only way to get in touch with the future is if someone in the future wants to get in contact with us, here in the past. There is no other way. And we know that is not possible anymore. That future is not there, anymore, anyway…


- I told you to stop this nonsense.

- I know. But there was a chance, anyway. And now, what?

- Now we go back to our normal lives, as usual. Let the past stay where it belongs to.

- Perhaps there is another way…

- Don’t start with this again.

The two young men looked at each other’s faces. The one wearing glasses had a distant expression and a funny grin decorating his young face.


- What? Didn’t you have enough of this yet? Why do you want to go back there?

- I have to. I would like you to come with me, if you don’t mind.

- I do mind, of course, but I will. That area is still forbidden, you know. Hope we don’t get in trouble.

- Nobody will ever know we’d been there.

- Anyway, we better take care. I’m sure that site is still being monitored somehow.

- We will be OK.

- Yeah. Right.


The young soldier wearing glasses seemed to be so far away, in the middle of the immense desolation field that their childhood village turned into, after the explosion. His eyes were filled with tears of sadness and homesickness.

The other soldier looked around in silence. He was not as distracted as his friend, but was also filled with childhood memories, when they used to play from there to the river or when they climbed the mountain and camped up there, on their summer holidays.

It was weird to be there, in the middle of what used to be their homes, watching the empty desert that land had become. The mountain was just a hill now and there was an immense crater, where the nuclear base used to be. The base disappeared completely underneath the dry and sterile soil. The desolation of the place was an evidence that it still kept radioactive activity, which kept any and every thing from growing healthy from that earth. The soldiers had taken precautions, but they knew they could not stay in that place for long, for obvious reasons.

- We’ve got to go now. There is nothing else in here that we can still see. As expected, all’s gone.

- OK. Let’s go. Could we go to the mountain before we leave for good?

- What for?

- It was over there where it all happened. I think I need to go there and resolve the situation in my head. Not all’s gone yet, you know.

- I don’t really like this, but it’s OK. We need to be quick, however.

They drove the Jeep up to the mountain through the old road to the base. Almost at the summit, they had to stop where the earth split open as a large crack, impeding them to go any further. They’d hopped off the vehicle and walked along the side of the crevice, trying to find a place where they could cross over to the other side. The opening was deep and large. They would have to jump over, if they could find a place where the distance was short enough for them to do so.

They finally got to a spot, south-eastern of the main base, where the two sides of the crack seemed to be closer to each other and decided that would be the right place to try and jump over to the other side. The young man wearing glasses ran and crossed over the open mouth of the mountain. His friend followed him. They’d climbed up to the border of the crater, which was deep and about eighty meters in diameter. The nuclear base was totally buried in the dry ground. There was no sign of what was before, for the ones who did not know the place, but not for them.

- There is nothing here anymore, as you can see. Funny how different this is now. Everything is dead buried underneath this sterile soil, just like the past now. We really have to go now. It’s too risky to be here for long.

The young man wearing glasses looked around, took a deep breath and sighed.

- Yeah.

The two friends got back their way down to the place where they could cross back again to where the Jeep was. The first one jumped over to the other side. When he hit the ground, he felt the earth quailed underneath his feet. He turned around and saw the horror on his friend’s face.

- Quick! Jump over here!

The soldier wearing glasses did as he was told to, but the earth quaked again and the crack started opening more apart. He lost his balance and fell slowly into the slit. He tried to hold on to something on the way but the earth was very dry and loose and he could not avoid sliding down.

- Oh, no! Not again!

- Hold on. Try to find something to hold on to while I get the hook and the rope we have in the Jeep.

The young man wearing glasses did not respond. He just looked down and tried to find anything that would make him stop sliding down, but that crack seemed to be hungry with its open mouth ready to slowly swallow him down its throat.

He did not shout. He just tried to stop the descending by using his fingers and feet, but all he got was more than just some scratches. He saw a kind of a metal tube hanging from the side of the wall and tried to move his body towards it. He turned around, lost his grip from the collapsing ground and jumped over the tube, which got off free from the wall and fell down with him into the deep and dark void.
