domingo, 30 de dezembro de 2018

Oblivion (Part 4: The Future)

The pale skinned man’s green eyes were set sadly at the two young friends. He knew what they wanted from him and he knew what to do, but he did not know if he should… or wanted to do… He was so close to…


- Close your eyes. Relax. You’ll be on a hard trip. Try to stay calm.

He did as he was told to. His trip soon began. He felt his face heating up. It seemed to him a bright light was so close ahead. He tried to open his eyes but it was like looking at the sun, so he shut them tight. Some seconds afterwards, he felt the heat receding. He believed it was safe to open his eyes and he did, carefully.

Then he saw it. It was smaller than he thought it would be and was moving faster than he expected. “Oumuamua” or something very similar to it was travelling the space in front of his eyes. He looked around. He was alone in a dark space, like the one when he fell in the hole.

- What the hell? Am I hallucinating?

His body was vibrating as if all the molecules in it were driven in a freaking movement, trying to stay together, but fighting hard for it. Then he felt an excruciating pain. Suddenly it all stopped and he was back in the darkness. He felt as if he was being sucked into a large vacuum cleaner tube in high speed. Then he saw a cool flash of white light and he finally fell into a glass capsule, in the middle of a large white room, without any furniture around. The shock was unexpected. He was on his hands and knees, trying to figure out where he was.

He heard the annoying sound of a siren ringing insistently. He looked around. What he saw was some strange looking people, although somehow familiar to him. He also saw a woman with very deep green eyes. He recognized one of the very pale skinned men. He smiled. He was in the future.


- How did you know the terminal was still active?

The pale man looked at the young man in front of him and wondered if he should tell the truth or simply avoid the question and change subject. He decided it was time to say the truth.

- I repaired it myself. I was planning to go back to the future and I knew it would not resist for more than one trip, if so, as it was too damaged. It was luck… In fact, I still don’t know for sure if he succeeded.

- You don’t? Oh, man.

- The damage was almost irreparable. But there was a chance and I had to try it, anyway. I would not mind if anything went wrong with my trip. I’d have not nothing to lose…

- But then why did you not go before and all by yourself? No one would ever know…

- I was not totally ready, but then you guys came and…

- Oh, man. That is not fair and it’s so dangerous anyway.

- It is what it is. That young man needed urgent help and I had the means. I had to help him. Hopefully he’ll come back with an answer.

- And a mission…

The pale skinned man tried to smile but could not. He was not comfortable. He was worried. The sadness in his eyes was so palpable, almost solid.

- Hopefully.

- How long are we to wait?

- If everything goes as planned, just one hour… you know… Time is just a concept. There are too many “ifs” …

The young man looked at him. He was obviously very worried by then. What if anything went wrong? That was insane… but how could he stop a friend in need with such a stubborn resistance?

- I know what you’re thinking. I am as concerned as you are. If the trip was unsuccessful, we would have lost more than just time… and now there is nothing to do but wait.

- Oh, man. I should have never agreed with this madness!

- Too late now! We will have to wait and see… as always…


- How could you travel here into time and space? Who helped you?

The Supreme was restless and he was normally a very calm and reasonable man. He had faced some time travellers coming inadvertently into the terminal, but this time he felt something was very wrong.

The stranger kept on looking to the woman, who was also curious about the intent of that interference in their routine, by that young man coming from the distant past of her original birth planet.

The Supreme got even more impatient and told the woman:

- Sort this thing out, will you? And send him back to where and when he came from!

The woman was surprised the Supreme was so upset by a thing that happened so many times before. She knew, however, that he disliked the people from the past. Her brother was a bad example to remember and she knew why she had to sort that thing out, before they had another unpleasant incident.

She set her green eyes on the young man and asked him to follow her to the lab at the Stellar Station, where the doctor would help her with the situation.

Up to the moment when they left, the young man said almost nothing. When they were all by themselves, he looked at the woman and she noticed he was going to say something important. Her heart pounded fast. She knew those could not be good news.

- I have a message from the past and the future.

- You’re not making any sense.

- I know, but you will understand when I explain.

- Then speak, young man.

- Leona…

Her eyes widened. How did he know her name? Her heart was beating faster now. She needed to calm down and she was not likely to.

- I did not come for one reason only. But I’ll need your trust and your help.

- How do you know my name?

- I know more than your name. There are things you must know and act before it’s too late. But I’m here for personal reasons too. I need your help to go back to my past; years before the time I came from.

- How can I trust you and help you? Things are not that easy to do. The terminals are being scrutinized by cameras designed to keep all movements under vigilance.

- I know there is an old terminal at the Stellar Station. The Thirteenth told me about it.

- Who?

- John, the Thirteenth…

- Where is he? How come?

- He is in the past… and cannot come to the future.

- How could you, then?

- Through the terminal he was going to use. It was not totally destroyed when you came through last time… You are in great danger, Leona. You’ve got to believe me.

- Wait. Stop! What are you talking about? John... the Thirteenth… whatever he is being called, is very ill. We are trying to work on the vaccine and we are not succeeding at all. He could not have survived...

- Leona, I need to talk to your father. The vaccines have been sabotaged.

- Sabotaged? By who? Who would be stupid enough?

- Not stupid, Leona. He’s a very wise man with an evil purpose and a hunger for power. We need to do something… urgently, before it’s too late. The Supreme turned into a man with a very twisted mind. He is evil. He will destroy the planet in some days from now.

- No way. You’re hallucinating. He would never… He has all the power he wants. Besides, he is the one more interested in following the results of the research and tests of the vaccine.

- Believe me, please. We are running short of time. How do you think I know all these things? I must talk to your father. Please. I can help you.

- Leona!

The woman turned around. Two older men were coming along the corridor. They simply ignored the visitor, as if he was not there.

- You need to come and see this. The vaccine is not working. The effect is very destructive now.

- Father!

- I can help!

- And who are you?

- A visitor from the past to try and save the future.

- What is he talking about?

She tried to speak, but a cry from the lab on the other side of the corridor made them stop the conversation and run.

- He’s dying!


sábado, 22 de dezembro de 2018

Oblivion (Part 3: Dream)

The sound of metal hitting the wall intermittently woke him up. He was in the dark, but looking up, there was a slit of light up above. He tried to rub his clothes and body clean, trying to check if he was really alive still. His fingers and knees were so sore. He was alive. Dead people do not feel pain. He almost smiled at the thought, but that would not make any sense in the situation he was in.

That sound again… and again. Maybe it was his friend trying to rescue him out of that hole.

- Hey.

He shouted out loud. His voice was strange. The echo responded.

- Hey, hey, hey…

He whispered to himself.

- I’m fucked.

- Hey.

He looked up. Something was hanging up above and swinging from the top.

- I’m OK. Can you bring it down?

- I’m out of rope. Can you try to climb it up to the hook?

- I can try. The soil is very dry and loose.

- Try it! I have the Jeep here. I can pull you up, if you reach the hook.

He tried to see in the dark. Soon he saw the piece of metal and had the idea of digging steps on the wall, so he could climb them up to the hanging hook. It would take him some time, but it was worth it, so he did the best he could.

It took him almost one whole hour to finally reach the hook that would take him off that “shituation”.

- I got it.

He was tired, but he knew that from then on the Jeep would do the job.

- I got you. Hold it firmly.

So he did, but it was very hard and painful. His body swung and hit the wall several times. When he finally got up to the mouth of the ravine, his friend pulled him up by the clothes and dragged him off of the border.

- Fuck, man. I thought I’ve lost you. You were so quiet.

- I think I fainted…

- Oh, man. Good to see you back.

- Let’s get out of here, please. Never to come back again.

His friend smiled slightly. He was right.

They got into the vehicle and drove down the hill. The young man was still covered in dirt and there was some blood here and there, but he seemed to be ok. He stripped off his t-shirt and tried to clean himself a bit.

- I need a shower… or more than one… urgently.

- You do indeed. Let’s stop somewhere by the river and try to clean up a bit. Then we drive back home. Enough of this nonsense, for good and forever. You need to get over it, man... for your own sake!

- I know. I just wish I could simply lie my head down on the pillow and forget about all and everything that still bring my memories back and so alive, but it’s not that simple…

- I know, my friend, I know.


- Is it possible to send a message to the future? Do you remember anything that it’s still there from this time now?

- I’m not sure. It’s a long time and unless it was an important landmark, it would have not survived the passing of time.

- Think about it. If there is a way, we must try.

- Why is it so important?

- It just is… Have you ever heard of a time capsule? You could benefit from that also. Think about it.

- I know what you’re talking about. I did not stay there long enough to know much or many places. But maybe…

- What?

- I know of something that could have…

- It’s worth a try, isn’t it?

- Maybe…

- Do you think it would be possible to somehow turn back time?

- If it is, it’s a very faint chance.

- But there must be a way. I know that!

- This is just crazy, man. You must stop this.

- You know that would never happen.

- I know. Well, thinking better, there is this one thing I brought from the future. Although it would the opposite operation, it might work, if we try…

- What?

- This…

- But this is just…


He woke up in the middle of the night. A dream. A strange dream he had.

- What if that’s true? Would that be possible? Oh, man… I’m going crazy. I wonder if he really knows something and is just too scared to give it away… But why?

He got up and went to the kitchen. His mind was a turmoil of different emotions, all wrapped up together.

- I should have forgotten all about this already. Why do I keep on reliving that situation? It’s such a dead thing.

He took a deep sip of fresh water.

- But what if he…

He wondered if a dream would be that revealing or if it was just an illusion and a desire made up by his mind to compensate for his losses and the desire of soothing his pain and sorrow away.

He whispered to himself.

- I really wish that dream would come true. It would make me feel so much more comfortable…

- What happened?

He turned around. His friend was standing by the kitchen door. Had he heard his thought spoken aloud?

- I had a dream and cannot go back to sleep.

- A bad dream?

He just took a deep breath. His friend understood the signal as soon as he did. That thing was not over yet. He noticed the sorrow in his friend’s eyes and face.

He had to do something as soon as possible…

- Let’s go!

- Where to?

- If the key to reconcile to the past is in the future, there’s only one person who can help us now!


sábado, 15 de dezembro de 2018

Obliviar (Parte 3: Sonho)

O repetido som de algo metálico batendo nas paredes acordou-o de um sobressalto. Estava escuro, mas olhando para cima, podia-se ver uma fenda de luz, longe ao topo. O rapaz passou as mãos pelas roupas, tentando limpar-se e, talvez, perceber se ainda estava mesmo vivo e inteiro. Seus joelhos e os dedos estavam muito doridos. Ele estava vivo. Os mortos não sentem dor. Ele quase riu daquele pensamento, mas na situação em que estava, não fazia muito sentido sorrir. 

O som voltou, repetidamente, algumas vezes. Talvez fosse seu amigo a tentar resgatá-lo daquele buraco. 

- Ei. 

Ele gritou. Sua voz parecia estranha. O eco respondeu. 

- Ei. Ei. Ei… 

Ele sussurrou, para si mesmo. 

- Estou ferrado! 

- Ei. 

Ele olhou para cima. Alguma coisa estava pendurada e balançando de um lado para o outro, batendo contra a parede, alguns metros acima de sua cabeça. 

- Estou bem. Podes baixar mais um pouco? 

- A corda já está no máximo. Podes tentar subir até o gancho? 

- Posso tentar. A terra está muito seca e solta. 

- Tenta. Tenho o Jeep aqui. Posso-te puxar para cima se alcançares o gancho. 

Ele tentou olhar à volta, naquela escuridão. Ao ver o pedaço de metal, que era antes o cano, ele resolver usá-lo para cavar degraus na parede e tentar subir até onde o gancho alcançava. Ia levar algum tempo, mas era o que podia fazer. 

Depois de cerca de uma hora, ele, finalmente, alcançou o velho gancho de metal e gritou. 

- Já está! Pode puxar! 

Ele estava cansado e dolorido, mas o Jeep faria o resto. 

- Segura firme, que eu vou puxar. 

E foi o que ele fez, apesar da dor e da dificuldade em manter-se agarrado ao seu salvador. Seu corpo foi arrastado e pendurado, batendo contra a parede da ravina algumas vezes, mas ele manteve-se firme até chegar ao topo, onde o amigo puxou-o para fora, pela roupas e arrastou-o para longe da borda. 

Num ímpeto de alegria e excitação, o rapaz deixou escapar um imprecativo. 

- Putaquepariu! Pensei que havia-te perdido de vez. Tu estavas tão quieto. 

- Acho que desmaiei. 

O amigo riu e deu-lhe um abraço desajeitado. 

- Que bom que estás de volta! 

- Vamos sair daqui o quanto antes… para nunca mais voltar. 

- Vamos! Eu te ajudo a levantar. 

Eles entraram no veículo e começaram a descer a montanha, na direção do rio. O rapaz de óculos estava todo coberto de terra, poeira e havia sangue em alguns pontos. Ele tirou a camiseta e tentou bater a poeira das roupas e do corpo com ela. 

- Preciso de um duche, urgentemente. Ou mais de um. 

- Com certeza. Vamos parar no rio e tentar limpar um pouco. Depois vamos direto para casa. Chega desta loucura, de uma vez por todas. Tens que ultrapassar isso, amigo, para o teu próprio bem. 

- Eu sei. Eu gostaria somente de deitar minha cabeça no travesseiro e esquecer de tudo que ainda estas recordações tão vivas, à minha memória, mas não é tão simples… 

- Eu sei, amigo, eu sei. 


- É possível enviar uma mensagem ao futuro? Tu lembras de algo que ainda esteja lá e que pertença à esta era de agora? 

- Não tenho certeza. É muito tempo e, a menos que seja um marco importante, não poderia ter sobrevivido o passar dos tempos. 

- Pensa nisso! Se houver algo, nós temos que tentar. 

- Por que é tão importante assim? 

- Porque é. Já ouviste falar de cápsula do tempo? Tu também poder-te-ias beneficiar de uma. Pensa nisso. 

- Eu sei do que falas. Mas eu não vivi lá tempo suficiente para ver muitas coisas ou lugares. Talvez... 

- O quê? 

- Talvez algo possa haver algo… 

- Vale a pena, não vale? 

- Talvez. 

- Achas que podemos voltar no tempo? 

- Se pudermos, pode ser uma hipótese muito vaga. 

- Mas tem de haver uma saída. Sei que tem! 

- Isso é loucura. Tu tens que parar com isso. 

- Sabes que isso nunca vai acontecer. 

- Eu sei. Mas pensando bem, há uma coisa que eu trouxe comigo, do futuro. Embora seja o oposto do que devia ser, pode funcionar, se tentarmos. 

- E o que é? 

- Isso… 

- Mas isso é só… 


Ele acordou no meio da noite. Um sonho. Aquele havia sido um sonho muito estranho. 

- E se for, mesmo, verdade? Seria possível? Oh, meu Deus! Acho que estou ficando louco. Será que ele sabe mais do que diz e está com medo de contar a verdade? Por qual razão? 

O rapaz levantou-se e foi até a cozinha. Sua cabeça estava um turbilhão confuso de emoções contraditórias e diferentes, todas misturadas num novelo só. 

- Eu já devia ter esquecido tudo isso. Por que é que eu fico sempre a reviver aquela situação, o tempo todo? É uma coisa tão ultrapassada… tão morta! 

Tomou um largo gole de água fresca. 

- Mas, e se ele… 

Ele se perguntou se um sonho poderia ser assim revelador, ou se era apenas uma ilusão criada por sua mente, para compensar as perdas e o desejo de ultrapassar a nostalgia e a dor. 

Ele falou baixinho, para si mesmo. 

- Gostaria que o meu sonho fosse realidade. Far-me-ia sentir tão melhor e mais confortável… 

- O que aconteceu? 

O rapaz virou-se. Seu amigo estava de pé, na soleira da porta da cozinha. Teria ele ouvido seu pensamento dito em voz alta? 

- Tive um sonho e não consigo voltar a dormir. 

- Um sonho ruim? 

Ele inalou o ar, devagar e profundamente, num longo suspiro. O amigo percebeu, logo, o que estava acontecendo. Aquilo ainda não estava ultrapassado. Ele percebeu o olhar pesado e triste do amigo. 

Precisava fazer algo, o quanto antes… 

- Vamos! 

- Para onde? 

- Se a chave para fazer as pazes com o passado, está no futuro, somente uma pessoa nos pode ajudar! 
