quarta-feira, 18 de abril de 2018

All Along the Coastline (Epilogue)

- Monarch?

 - But isn’t that a kind of a butterfly?

 - All this investment spent on a research based on studies of a butterfly?

 - Make no mistake. The research is very serious and the results are guaranteed...

- Says who? We have not started the production yet and we do not know if the results are guaranteed. Who can trust that, as a fact?

 - Well, I can!

 The board of directors was divided. On the one hand, the investors and management were confused and thought they bet the wrong horse. They felt that they had been deceived... and very!

On the other hand, the Managing Director was absolutely sure of the origins and outcome of the research and was sure he would be very rich. He knew better than the others, but he could not really reveal where such a cast-iron certainty came from.

He remembered the day he met the strange little man for the first time.


 Looking like a very unusual character of a cartoon, the little man was practically an albino; a strange mixture of an alien with any hominid, to say the least. He seemed to be coming out of a science fiction movie, with his pale skin and big head, inconsistent with the shrivelled body.

- I'll send the capsule through a rift in time, in what will be perceived as a week from now. Until then, we will not talk again. That will be the signal to start the negotiations. This operation must be kept confidential until we are sure we will not raise any unwanted suspicions.

- It's fair. If the capsule is not delivered, we have no business and life will go on normally and without any further problems.

 - I do not ask you to believe anything, without the necessary proof. Here is the key to opening the capsule. Without it, it is only a metallic sphere, found in the ocean. There's no other way to open it...

- Why is it going to be thrown into the ocean? You could deliver it elsewhere... anywhere...

- Because of its size. Furthermore the ocean will serve as a good shock absorber. On dry land, it would draw too much attention and could suffer damage when hitting the ground. The sample will be contained in a small and properly protected container.

- If the sample comes in a small container, why do you need a large capsule?

 The little man smiled. His face seemed unaccustomed to sympathy. His countenance was serious again, almost immediately.

- Because the sample will not be the only thing that will be sent inside the capsule.


The young men moved toward the exit, not looking back. Outside the Campus, a great confusion of loud siren sounds began to shriek through the streets and toward them. Inside the precincts, the fire was destroying everything that once had been the research laboratory. The two went the opposite way and entered the first subway station, without talking and without looking back.

As they passed the ticket control to the platforms, they saw that a carriage had just arrived and they entered it, without hesitation. They were in a hurry to get out of there as soon as possible.

On the surface, the chaos was snowballing, despite of being late at night. In addition to the firefighters, police officers and security teams from the Campus, an influx of curious also crowded the place.

In the underground, the subway cars were moving in controlled speed, going farther and farther from the region where the University was built.

The young man wearing glasses broke the silence after a while. He was still pale and nervous.

- What was that?

  - I still don’t know. But that was really scary.

- Indeed. I still feel that cold hand on my shoulder. I'm afraid of what I saw. Where did he come from? He looked like coming out of a sci-fi movie!

 The other man tried to smile, but he was too worried to play with what had just happened.

 - He must have probably left before the fire brigade and the policemen arrived. He must not have waited for anyone to disappear, or he would have to explain quite a lot. I don’t believe that any explanation would be easy to be given, anyway.

- And what will we do now? We will never find answers to our doubts and we won’t be able to confirm our theories. We lost the opportunity...

- Maybe not... I think we're going back to see our mystery man somehow... I still do not know how, but I think he might have answers.

- Oh no! Here we go, again!


The news came in large lettering, on the front page of the best-selling newspaper in the country: “N.M.E. being investigated, due to changes in food genetics”.

The article featured details of genetic alterations that led to chemical dependence, as in the so-called illegal drugs. The same was true about the industrialization of medicines at a later stage of the company's business, which was also suspected of addicting users. Their consumption had skyrocketed, leading to suspicions that there was something going on in the company, to have the results increased exponentially, in such a short time and without obvious marketing strategies.

The young man wearing glasses handed the newspaper out to his friend, after carefully reading all the published article.

- I knew there was something very wrong.

- But we could not prove anything, not even find any hint of evidence after the incident with the University laboratory. These people are dangerous and merciless.

 - After all this time, the only thing I remember was that those holidays were over too soon. Besides, we only wasted our time and money, in addition to the confusions in which we were involved in.

- Well... And we did not even meet that strange looking little man again... What if...?

The young man looked at his friend, after that incomplete question, knowing that apparently his head was working at high speed, as it always was, when he was planning something. More than a year had passed since the two returned from those holidays, which were totally spoiled by unusual and unwelcome circumstances.

Life in the barracks returned to normal, but the adventure left an unresolved and unfinished taste in the situation. Time had made it easier to let go of that feeling, but now those news brought some light back to everything again.

- What do you think if we got back there?

- Are you insane? That is no longer our business. I wonder if that ever was. Let the police take care of them. We cannot do anything anymore.

- I don’t know, no... They are criminals and the papers only mention the frauds related to the food and medicines, which we’d also come to suspect. They’ve never associated the company with the crime against the two boys who were killed, innocently, in our place... or to the laboratory explosion. I wonder why?

- Oh my God!

-  I do not want to be involved in a scandal of this magnitude. It was not for this that I sold you the formula. They will end up digging out quite a lot and coming up to find me. This will not end well.

- Why does that bother you? What I do with the result of the research and the modifications, which we have worked so hard to implement, is only on my account and, of course, on the company.

- I left my exile because I did not agree with the way things have gone so far. The intention was different from the beginning... and I told you this...

 - You should not have come back here. Our contract was closed a long time ago. I paid dearly for all this. And I'm only reaping the dividends...

- Dividends? Using the formula to manufacture drugs to slow aging and selling the product for millions of Euros, to only a few tycoons who are afraid to die, is not only to reap dividends, in my opinion. The humanity…

- Who cares about humanity? These poor beings do not even know why they are still on this planet... They do not deserve the ground they tread on! I will not change a millimetre of what I have achieved so far, because of your scruples. They did not exist when we signed the agreement and we closed the contract. Why are you so concerned, now? As far as I know, you destroyed an entire planet, with all the inhabitants still living there...

- All but one... two... to tell you the truth. But that was a desperate move. There was no hope for that planet...

- Neither for this one! What's done is done. It's my decision. And do not worry. They will never reach you. Not where you're going to...

- Is it? But I'm not going to tell you where I'm going to...

- I'll tell you! And you're not going to get out of my sight...

The man opened a drawer and took an automatic weapon from inside it, pointed it at the strange little man, and fired. The only projectile thrown by the muffler in the gun barrel hit the other man well in the middle of the forehead. A fatal shot, with little blood spilled.

The director called security and waited.

- Do what I told you to do. And have it cleaned up before anyone asks questions. I want the body of this humanoid embalmed and deposited inside that capsule, so that no one ever finds traces of what happened here. And have the damn capsule installed in the middle of that garden, where I can keep my eyes on it every single day...

The head of security nodded, called the men and did as he was told to, without questioning and without hesitation.

At that hour of the night there was hardly anyone in the company. They had all the time and freedom to do what was necessary without arousing further suspicions.


- Turn on the TV. They're showing something you're going to want to see.
- What's that?

The young man turned on the TV. The news showed a story about a certain major drug producer that previously produced only food. An investigation led to the discovery of a series of incidents, all associated with the director of N.M.E., including a crime against two boys in the north of the country.

The investigation pointed to the company's chief of security, who after many contradictions in the testimony he gave, eventually yielded and confessed to such a crime. The director was still under investigation and the police had just arrived at his office with a prison sentence against him.

High paid lawyers were working to get a habeas corpus, but they did not have time to stop the man being arrested and taken to the police station.

The TV camera showed the man being approached by the police while he was still in the company's inner park. It was evident that he kept his eyes on a strange object planted in the middle of the well-kept garden. A large metal sphere, all sealed, lay, like a monument or a trophy, in the centre of that garden, lined with concentric rows of asclepias planted in a harmonious geometric pattern.

The two young men were static. They knew that sphere very well.

- What the hell!

The report went on.

When the police car arrived at the police station, with the cameras all around, recording the event, the TV showed the man being dragged, apparently unconscious, towards the building. An ambulance was already waiting, with the paramedics ready to provide immediate care.

A reporter announced that the man had been killed on the spot. Another aired that he poisoned himself, en route, to avoid the consequences of the arrest, confirming what the first journalist suspected.

The image of the camera was fixed on the ambulance's white van. On the steering wheel, to the shock of the two young men watching, a very pale and strange-looking man took the car away from the police station and from the confusion that the reporters and curious people had just witnessed.

domingo, 1 de abril de 2018

Pelo Litoral (Epílogo)

- Monarca? 

- Mas isso não é um tipo de borboleta? 

- Todo este investimento gasto em uma pesquisa baseada em estudos sobre uma borboleta? 

- Não se enganem. A pesquisa é muito séria e os resultados são garantidos… 

- Quem disse? Ainda não começamos a produção e não sabemos se os resultados são garantidos. Quem pode confiar nisso? 

- Eu posso! 

O Conselho estava dividido. De um lado, os investidores e os membros da direcção estavam confusos e achavam que apostaram no cavalo errado. Cada vez mais, sentiam que haviam sido enganados… e em grande! 

Do outro lado, o Director Geral estava certo das origens e do resultado da pesquisa e tinha certeza que ia ficar muito rico. Ele sabia mais que os outros, mas não podia realmente revelar de onde vinha uma certeza tão grande. 

Ele lembrou do dia em que encontrou o homenzinho estranho, pela primeira vez. 


A figura era muito pouco comum. Praticamente um albino, o homenzinho parecia uma estranha mistura de um alienígena com um hominídeo qualquer, para não dizer outra coisa. Parecia saído de um filme de ficção científica, com sua pele pálida e sua cabeça grande, desproporcional ao corpo mirrado. 

- Vou enviar a cápsula através de uma fenda no tempo, no que será percebido como daqui a uma semana. Até lá, não voltaremos a conversar. Aquele será o sinal, para iniciarmos as negociações. Esta operação deverá manter-se em sigilo, até que tenhamos segurança suficiente para não levantar suspeitas indesejadas. 

- É justo. Se a cápsula não for entregue, não temos negócio e a vida vai continuar normalmente e sem mais problemas que já temos. 

- Não lhe peço para acreditar em nada, sem as devidas provas. Aqui está a chave para abrir a cápsula. Sem ela, é apenas uma esfera metálica, encontrada no oceano. Não há outra forma de abri-la… 

- Por que vai ser jogada no oceano? Podia ser entregue em outro lugar… de outra forma… 

- Por causa da dimensão que tem. Além do mais, o oceano servirá como um bom amortecedor da queda. Em terra firme, iria chamar muita atenção e poderia sofrer danos ao cair. A amostra estará dentro de um pequeno recipiente, devidamente protegido. 

- Se a amostra vem em um recipiente pequeno, para que precisa de uma cápsula de grande dimensão? 

O homenzinho sorriu. Sua face parecia pouco acostumada com demonstrações de simpatia. Seu semblante ficou sério novamente, quase que de imediato. 

- Porque a amostra não será a única coisa que será enviada dentro da cápsula. 


Os dois rapazes seguiram na direcção da entrada, sem olhar para trás. Do lado de fora do Campus, começava uma grande confusão de sons de sirenes a berrar pelas ruas e vindo na direcção deles. Dentro do Campus, o incêndio aumentava as proporções, destruindo tudo o que havia sido o então laboratório de pesquisas. Os dois seguiram pelo caminho contrário e entraram na primeira estação do metro, sem conversar e sem olhar para trás. 

Ao passarem para a plataforma, viram que uma carruagem acabava de aportar e entraram nela, sem titubear. Tinham pressa de sair dali o quanto antes. 

Na superfície, o caos estava armado, apesar daquela hora da noite. Além dos bombeiros, policiais e equipas de segurança do Campus, um afluxo de curiosos também lotava o local. 

No subterrâneo, os vagões do metro avançavam em velocidade controlada, afastando-se cada vez mais da região onde estava instalada a Universidade. 

O rapaz de óculos quebrou o silêncio, depois de um tempo. Ainda estava pálido e nervoso. 

- O que foi aquilo? 

- Ainda não sei direito. Mas foi assustador. 

- Se foi. Ainda sinto aquela mão fria no meu ombro. Tenho receio do que vi. De onde será que ele veio? Parecia saído de um filme de ficção científica! 

O outro tentou esboçar um sorriso, mas estava muito preocupado, para brincar com o que acabara de acontecer. 

- Ele deve, provavelmente, ter saído de lá, antes que os bombeiros e a polícia chegassem. Não deve ter esperado por ninguém, para sumir dali, ou teria que dar muitas explicações. Não acredito que alguma explicação possa ser fácil de ser dada, de todo jeito. 

- E o que nós faremos agora? Nunca encontraremos respostas para nossas dúvidas e não poderemos confirmar nossas teorias. Perdemos a viagem… 

- Talvez não… acho que, de alguma forma, vamos ter que voltar a ver o nosso homem misterioso… Ainda não sei como, mas acho que ele pode ter respostas. 

- Oh, não! Lá vamos nós, outra vez! 


A notícia vinha em letras grandes, na primeira página do jornal mais vendido no país: N.M.E. sendo investigada, por alterações na genética dos alimentos. 

O artigo trazia detalhes de alterações genéticas, que conduziam à uma dependência química, como nas drogas ditas ilegais. O mesmo acontecia com a industrialização de medicamentos, numa fase mais avançada dos negócios da empresa, que também se suspeitava que viciavam os usuários. O consumo de ambos havia aumentado vertiginosamente, o que levou às suspeitas de que havia algo acontecendo na empresa, para ter os resultados aumentados exponencialmente, em tão pouco tempo e sem grandes estratégias evidentes de marketing. 

O rapaz de óculos estendeu o jornal ao amigo, depois de ler atentamente toda a matéria publicada. 

- Eu sabia que havia alguma coisa muito errada. 

- Só que não conseguimos provar nada, nem ao menos encontrar evidências, depois do incidente com o laboratório da Universidade. 

- Depois de passado este tempo todo, a única coisa que eu lembro de bom, foi que aquelas férias terminaram logo. De resto, só perdemos nosso tempo e dinheiro, além das confusões em que estivemos envolvidos. 

- Pois… E nem ao menos encontramos aquele homenzinho estranho outra vez… Será que…? 

O rapaz olhou o amigo, depois daquela pergunta malfeita, sabendo que, aparentemente, sua cabeça estava a trabalhar em alta velocidade, como sempre acontecia, quando estava a planear alguma coisa. Mais de um ano havia-se passado, desde que os dois voltaram daquelas férias, que foram totalmente estragadas pelas circunstâncias. 

A vida no quartel voltava ao normal, mas a aventura ficava com um gosto de situação não resolvida. Com o tempo foi mais fácil deixar aquela sensação de lado, mas, agora, aquela notícia trazia tudo de volta. 

- O que tu achas de voltarmos lá? 

- Estás louco? Aquilo já não é para nós. Deixa a polícia encarregar-se deles. Não há nada que possamos fazer. 

- Não sei, não… Eles são criminosos e na matéria do jornal só há menção às falcatruas relativas aos alimentos e medicamentos, o que nós chegamos a suspeitar também. Nunca associaram a empresa ao crime contra os dois rapazes, mortos, inocentemente, em nosso lugar… nem à explosão do laboratório. Por que será? 

- Ai, meu Deus! 


- Eu não quero estar envolvido num escândalo destas proporções. Não foi para isso que eu lhes vendi a fórmula. Eles vão acabar vasculhando muita coisa e chegar até mim. Isso não vai acabar bem. 

- Por que isso o incomoda? O que eu faço com o resultado da pesquisa e das modificações, que nós trabalhamos tanto para implementar, é somente da minha conta e, claro, da companhia. 

- Eu saí do meu exílio porque não estou de acordo com o rumo que as coisas tomaram. A intenção era outra, desde o começo…e eu lhe disse isso… 

- Não devias ter voltado para cá. Nosso contrato foi fechado há muito tempo. Eu paguei bastante caro por tudo isso. E estou somente colhendo os dividendos… 

- Dividendos? Aprimorar a fórmula dos medicamentos para retardar o envelhecimento e vender o produto por milhões de Euros, apenas para uns poucos magnatas, que têm medo de morrer, não é somente colher dividendos, na minha opinião. A humanidade… 

- Quem se importa com a humanidade? Estes pobres seres nem sabem por qual motivo ainda caminham neste planeta… Não merecem o chão que pisam! Eu não vou alterar um milímetro do que eu consegui até agora, por causa dos teus escrúpulos. Eles não existiam quando fizemos o acordo e fechamos o contrato. Por que esta recaída, agora? Que eu saiba, tu destruíste um planeta inteiro, com todos os habitantes ainda vivendo lá… 

- Todos menos um… dois… para falar a verdade. Mas isso foi uma medida desesperada. Não havia salvação para aquele planeta… 

- Nem tampouco para este! O que está feito, está feito. É minha decisão. E não te preocupes. Nunca chegarão a ti. Não para onde vais… 

- Como assim? Eu não vou dizer-te para onde vou… 

- Digo-te eu! E não vais para longe da minha vista… 

O homem abriu uma gaveta e tirou uma arma automática de dentro dela, apontou para o homenzinho estranho e atirou. O único projéctil lançado pelo silenciador instalado no cano da arma, atingiu o outro bem no meio da testa. Um tiro fatal, com pouco sangue derramado. 

O director ligou para a segurança e esperou. 

- Façam o que já lhes disse para fazer. E mandem limpar esta sujeira, antes que alguém faça perguntas. Eu quero o corpo deste humanóide embalsamado e depositado dentro daquela cápsula, de modo que nunca ninguém encontre vestígios do que aconteceu aqui. E mandem instalar a maldita cápsula no meio daquele jardim, para onde eu possa olhar todos os dias… 

O chefe da segurança assentiu, chamou os homens e tratou de fazer o que lhe fora mandado, sem perguntas e sem hesitar. 

Àquela hora da noite não havia quase ninguém na empresa. Eles tinham toda a liberdade para fazer o que era necessário, sem levantar suspeitas. 


- Liga a TV. Estão mostrando uma coisa que vais querer ver. 

- O que foi? 

O rapaz ligou a TV. O noticiário mostrava uma matéria sobre uma certa grande produtora de medicamentos, que anteriormente produzia somente alimentos. Uma investigação levou à descoberta de uma série de incidentes, todos associados ao director da N.M.E., incluindo a um crime contra dois rapazes, no norte do país. 

A investigação apontou para o chefe da segurança da empresa, que depois de muitas contradições nos depoimentos que prestou, acabou por ceder e confessar o tal crime. O diretor ainda estava sob investigação e a polícia acabava de chegar ao escritório com um mandato de prisão contra ele. 

Advogados muito bem pagos trabalhavam para conseguir um habeas corpus, mas não tiveram tempo de impedir que o homem fosse levado para a delegacia. 

A câmera da TV mostrava o homem sendo abordado pela polícia, quando estava ainda no parque interno da empresa. Era visível que ele mantinha os olhos num estranho objecto plantado no meio do jardim bem cuidado. Uma grande esfera de metal, toda lacrada, jazia, como um monumento ou um troféu, no centro daquele jardim, ladeada por fileiras concêntricas de serralhas e outros tipos de asclépias, muito bem plantadas, num desenho geométrico harmonioso. 

Os dois rapazes estavam estáticos. Conheciam muito bem aquela esfera. 

- Que diabos! 

A reportagem continuava. 

Quando o carro da polícia chegava à delegacia, com as câmeras todas atentas, à volta, a registar o acontecimento, a TV mostrava o homem sendo arrastado, aparentemente inconsciente, na direcção do prédio. Uma ambulância já estava à espera, com os paramédicos prontos a prestar atendimento imediato. 

Um repórter anunciou que o homem chegara morto ao local. Outro ventilou que ele se envenenou, a caminho, para evitar as consequências da prisão, confirmando as suspeitas do primeiro. 

A imagem estava fixa na carrinha branca da ambulância. No volante, para choque dos dois rapazes que assistiam, atentos, um homem muito pálido e de aparência estranha, levava o carro para longe da delegacia e da confusão a que os repórteres e curiosos acabavam de presenciar…


domingo, 18 de março de 2018

All Along the Coastline (Part 5)

- They have a branch in the south, in the Capital. That's where we're going. We will not be found so easily, once we’re there. When they realize, we'll be far away... I hope! 

- If I go against this idea, it will not do any good, will it? 

The young man wearing glasses seemed gloomy, defeated and scared. The other man ignored the question. He was more focused on making plans for the trip to the Capital. 

- And we're going by train. If we go by rental car, they may have the means to know and find us. We have no idea of the contact networks they have, but these people are very dangerous. Using public transport we will remain incognito, for longer. 

- They think we're dead. 

- For now... and we'd better let them think we are, until... 

- Until we're really dead? 

They exchanged serious, worried looks. 


- At least we are more confident everything is going right now. So far, all information he delivered is correct. The samples behaved beautifully, according to the report. Now, we must wait for the last part of the material, to begin producing the first units. 

- Can we trust him? 

- Do we have any reason to doubt him? So far, he has been flawless... although quite unpredictable... but the impression he gave was that everything he has done has been out of caution. Given his origin, he must be very prudent. This excessive caution has delayed the project a bit, but we did not go far, alone, anyway. 

- We must not be in a hurry. If we rush things, we may raise unwelcome suspicions. The little man is right. All in due time and we will have no problems... 

The meeting of the management of N.M.E. was interrupted by the sound of the telephone. The executive answered sharply, by saying: 

- I said I did not want to be interrupted. What can be so important...? 

Apparently interrupted himself with urgent news and of unquestionable relevance, the man listened in silence and, without further ado, hung up. Less than five seconds later, the secretary entered the meeting room with a brown envelope in her hands. 

- Sirs, we have good news and bad news. The good news is that the material we were expecting just arrived by special mail. It will be enough to complete the analysis and start producing the drugs, which will be a big step in the company's history. We are entering a very particular era. It is the beginning of the future. 

- And the bad news, then? 

The man looked at the other members of the N.M.E. and cleared his throat. He carefully opened the envelope, from which he took out a notepad, apparently quite worn out by use. It did not look anything like the report he had received earlier. The secretary then handed him another small, open envelope that contained a letter. He took the paper out of the envelope and unfolded it, reading the message aloud. 


- I did not count on that. We must be very careful. If someone suspects of anything, we are in a big mess. All the eyes and attention will turn to us. 

- We will not be discovered. No one will ever know that it was us. 

- I really hope not. 

- Don’t worry. The company will never be associated or liable for an accident in a research laboratory at the University. Accidents happen every day in research laboratories, especially in the University campus. 

- Even so, we must be prepared. Best to avoid any contact with people. Let's take advantage that it's late at night. This makes it easier not to raise suspicions or get caught in sight. 

- I'll get the van. If something happens that could raise any kind of questions, that one is the vehicle that is already going to campus more often and therefore may seem more natural... 

- OK. 

As soon as his colleague left, the Security chief picked up the phone and dialed a speed dial number. He waited a couple of seconds and said in a low voice, 

- We are ready. We’re are driving to the University now... 

He listened in silence. He felt anxious and tense. A drop of sweat broke out on his forehead and ran down his face. He felt the scent of his own shaving lotion exhale. It was not a good sign that he felt that way. 

- Yes, OK. Leave it to me... 


- Which way are we going? 

- As far as I know, there must be a hotel on one of these streets near the station. Let me think. 

- There must be many, after all, we're in the Capital. Should not we do what we came first for? 

- Going to the company? Maybe we should go to the university first... I just had an idea. 

The young man wearing glasses smiled. He preferred to go to university, but he knew that it was only a matter of time before he had to face the challenge, for which he did not feel at all prepared. 

- Since we're here, let's go downstairs and take the subway to the University. 


The University was quite busy, as usual on normal days. There were a lot of people walking around. Quieter groups, lonely students with earphones, others busy with the latest generation phones, girls in groups, laughing, people from many different age groups, from the younger ones, still teenagers, to the older ones, probably PhDs, all contributed to make them go unnoticed in the midst of that crowd of unfamiliar faces. 

- Let's go to the research lab. That article we read mentioned a research in the field of food genetics, but that led to a shift in strategy, more to the side of human genetics and DNA changes. That sounded very strange. There is something smelly here... 

- If they are changing the genetics of food to promote a transformation in human DNA, that’s at least a crime or are they really planning a kind of... genocide?" 

- Let's see what we can find out. 

The young man wearing glasses consulted the signposting information and pointed west, where the Biology Department and the labs were supposed to be. They took that direction. They seemed eager to find out more and still had to plan the next step. 

The two walked in silence, when suddenly the young man wearing glasses stopped and held his friend's arm. 

Right ahead, a white van was parked in the lot of the area reserved for the University researchers. On its sides, written in large red letters, the company acronym: N.M.E. 

- Oh, no. Not again! They look like a plague! 

- Let's walk back, before they see us. We better go to the library. From there we can check a few things before we get a chance to come back and visit the lab. I hope they do not spend much time in here. 

The Library was not far from where they were and had a view to where their point of interest was. They sat near one of the windows facing west and kept watching the movement of the vehicle. They decided they would go there as soon as they felt safe. It was a better bet and a more secure step. 

The day passed slowly dull, and they saw no movements of the van. 

The driver sometimes left the vehicle for smoking. He looked impatient, in his dark suit. The other man would get in and out of the car, go to the bar, come back to the car, go to the other side. He seemed uncomfortable too. The night was approaching slowly, and they still had a mission to fulfil. 

To the disappointment of the two young men, the library was about to close doors, and they had to leave. Worse still, the van was still there. The movement of the students and professionals of the campus had diminished a lot. 

They felt that they had missed the opportunity and the purpose of their journey. They could not find out much about the research, besides what they already knew. The only novelty, which they could still discover, was that the new research was leading to a study of human longevity, not an attempt at genocide, as they initially suspected. 

That was a good thing, after all. They still needed to know, however, why those men were there, parked all afternoon, and also why they had tried to kill them. 

- There is one important piece missing in this puzzle. What can it be? 

As they talked, while leaving the Library building, they saw four people walking lightly towards the lab. At that time, it was not very normal, but nothing disturbing. 

The woman looked worried. The young man who was with her, too. An older man and a younger one, very pale, were coming close after them. They did not notice the van and walked straight to the metal door of the Biology building. 

What happened at that moment was so quick that the two young soldiers only had time to hide behind one of the buildings and watch from afar for fear of getting caught up in the middle of a big mess. 

As soon as he saw the group of people reach the door, the driver got out of the van and pulling out an automatic weapon, fired at them. The group was still able to enter the building, lock the door, which did not stay closed for long. In a few minutes, the armed men entered the building and, not too long after, a big explosion happened in the room. 

As they watched, frightened, the unfolding of that private war, they saw that four people were running out from the other side, towards the forest. In a short time, the two security guards, still armed and firing against them, headed in the same direction. 

- What was that, for heaven’s sake? We are screwed. Now we will not be able to find out anything else. The lab is all destroyed, and we cannot get out of here. 

- We're going to have to leave here, anyway. In a little while this will be an insane pandemonium. There should be a fire alarm, which must have already been triggered. 

Even before he finished speaking, he heard the loud sound of the alarm sirens. 

They should not be seen there. If they said they had witnessed anything, they would be exposed and the N.M.E. would know they were still alive. Just as they turned around to head towards the Campus exit, they saw a man standing behind them. 

- You should not be here! 


domingo, 11 de março de 2018

Pelo Litoral (Parte 5)

- Eles têm uma filial no sul, na Capital. É para lá que vamos. Fica mais difícil de sermos detetados e encontrados. Quando perceberem, já estaremos longe… espero eu!

- Se eu for contra esta ideia, não vai adiantar nada, vai?

O rapaz de óculos parecia desconsolado, derrotado e assustado. O outro ignorou a pergunta. Estava mais concentrado em fazer os planos para a viagem até a Capital.

- E vamos de comboio. Se formos de carro alugado, eles podem ter meios de saber. Não temos ideia das redes de contacto que eles têm, mas esse pessoal é muito perigoso. Usando os transportes públicos permaneceremos incógnitos, por mais tempo.

- Eles pensam que estamos mortos.

- Por enquanto… e é melhor deixá-los pensar assim, até…

- Até sermos mortos de verdade?

Os dois trocaram olhares sérios e preocupados.


- Pelo menos estamos mais tranquilos. Até agora, todas as informações passadas estão corretas. As amostras comportaram-se lindamente, conforme o relatório. Agora, temos que aguardar a última parte do material, para iniciarmos a produção…

- Podemos confiar nele?

- Temos alguma razão para duvidar? Até agora, ele foi impecável… embora bastante imprevisível… mas a impressão que deu foi que tudo o que tem feito tem sido por excesso de cautela. Dado a origem dele, tem mesmo que ser prudente. Isso atrasou o projeto um pouco, mas não íamos longe, sozinhos, de todo jeito.

- Não devemos ter pressa. Se apressarmos as coisas, poderemos levantar suspeitas indesejáveis. O homenzinho tem razão. Tudo a seu tempo… 

A reunião da direção da N.M.E. foi interrompida pelo som do telefone. O executivo atendeu com rispidez, dizendo:

- Eu disse que não queria ser interrompido. O que pode ser tão importante…

Aparentemente interrompido, ele mesmo, por notícias urgentes e de relevância inquestionável, o homem ouviu, em silêncio e, sem dizer mais nada, desligou. Menos de cinco segundos depois, a secretária entrava com um envelope pardo nas mãos. 

- Senhores, temos boas e más notícias. A boa é que o material que esperávamos acabou de chegar, por correio especial. Será suficiente para concluirmos as análises e começarmos a produção dos fármacos, que serão um grande passo na história dessa empresa. Estamos entrando numa era muito particular. É o começo do futuro.

- E a má notícia, então?

O homem olhou para os outros membros do Conselho Diretor da N.M.E. e pigarreou. Abriu cuidadosamente o envelope, de onde tirou um bloco de apontamentos, aparentemente bastante desgastado pelo uso. Não parecia nada com o relatório que ele havia recebido anteriormente. A secretária, então, entregou-lhe um outro envelope menor, aberto e que continha uma carta. Ele retirou o papel de dentro do envelope e desdobrou-o, lendo a mensagem em voz alta.


- Eu não contava com essa. Temos que ser muito cuidadosos. Se formos descobertos, estamos em uma grande confusão. Os olhos, todos, voltar-se-ão para nós.

- Não seremos descobertos. Ninguém, nunca, saberá que fomos nós.

- Espero bem que não.

- Não se preocupe. A empresa nunca será associada ou responsabilizada por um acidente num laboratório de pesquisas na Universidade. Acidentes acontecem, todos os dias, em laboratórios de pesquisas, mormente no campus Universitário.

- Mesmo assim, devemos estar preparados. Melhor evitar qualquer contacto com as pessoas. Vamos aproveitar que já é tarde da noite. Assim fica mais fácil de não levantar suspeitas ou dar na vista.

- Vou buscar a carrinha. Se acontecer algo, que possa suscitar quaisquer tipos de perguntas, aquele é o veículo que já frequenta o campus com mais frequência e, portanto, pode parecer mais natural… 

- OK.

Assim que o colega saiu, o chefe da Segurança pegou o telefone e digitou um número da lista de speed dial. Esperou um par de segundos e falou, em voz baixa:

- Estamos prontos. Vamos agora para a Universidade… 

Ouviu, em silêncio, a resposta. Sentia-se ansioso e tenso. Uma gota de suor brotou-lhe na testa e escorreu-lhe pelo rosto abaixo. Ele sentiu o perfume de sua própria loção de barba, a exalar. Não era bom sinal que suasse assim.

- Sim… OK. Pode deixar...


- Para que lado vamos?

- Pelo que sei, deve haver um hotelzinho numa destas ruas, perto da estação. Deixa-me pensar.

- Devem haver muitos, afinal estamos na Capital. Não será melhor irmos fazer o que viemos fazer, primeiro?

- Ir à empresa? Talvez seja melhor irmos à Universidade… Tive uma ideia.

O rapaz de óculos sorriu. Preferia ir à Universidade, mas sabia que era questão de tempo até ter que enfrentar o desafio, para o qual não se sentia minimamente preparado.

- Já que cá estamos, vamos descer e tomar o metro para a Universidade.


A Universidade estava bastante movimentada, como nos dias normais. Havia muita gente a andar de um lado para o outro. Grupos mais silenciosos, estudantes solitários, com fones nos ouvidos, outros ocupados com os telefones de última geração, mocinhas em grupos, dando risadas, pessoas de muitas faixas etárias diferentes, dos mais jovens, ainda adolescentes, até os mais velhos, provavelmente doutorados, todos contribuíam para fazê-los passar despercebidos no meio daquela multidão de rostos desconhecidos. 

- Vamos procurar o laboratório de pesquisas. Aquele artigo que lemos mencionava pesquisas no campo da genética de alimentos, mas que levava à uma mudança na estratégia, mais para o lado da genética humana e alterações no DNA. Isso pareceu muito estranho. Aqui há coisa…

- Se eles estiverem alterando a genética dos alimentos para promover uma mudança no DNA humano, isso é, no mínimo, um crime ou a tentativa de um… genocídio?

- Vamos ver o que descobrimos.

O rapaz de óculos consultou as placas de sinalização e apontou para o oeste, onde deveria estar o Departamento e os laboratórios de Biologia. Os dois apresaram os passos. Pareciam ansiosos para descobrir mais e ainda tinham que planear o próximo passo.

Os dois caminhavam em silêncio, quando, de repente, o rapaz de óculos parou e segurou o braço do amigo, com força. 

À frente deles e parada no estacionamento da área reservada aos pesquisadores estava uma carrinha branca. Nas laterias, escrito em grandes letras vermelhas, a sigla da empresa: N.M.E.

- Essa não! Parecem uma praga!

- Vamos voltar, antes que nos vejam. Vamos para a biblioteca. De lá podemos verificar umas coisas, até conseguirmos uma hipótese de voltar para o laboratório. Tomara que eles não fiquem muito tempo por cá.

A Biblioteca não ficava longe, e tinha uma vista para onde o ponto de interesse dos dois estava mais voltado. Eles sentaram perto de uma das janelas voltadas para o oeste e ficaram a vigiar o movimento do veículo. Decidiram que seguiriam para lá, assim que estivessem seguros. Era uma aposta mais acertada e um passo mais seguro.

O dia passou lentamente e eles não viram movimentos da carrinha. 

O motorista saiu algumas vezes de dentro veículo, para fumar. Parecia impaciente, dentro de seu fato escuro. O outro homem entrava e saía do carro, ia até o bar, voltava, ia até o outro lado. Parecia desconfortável também. A noite aproximava-se e eles tinham uma missão a cumprir.

Para desapontamento dos dois rapazes, a biblioteca estava para fechar e eles tinham que sair. Pior ainda, a carrinha ainda estava lá. O movimento dos estudantes e profissionais do campus havia diminuído bastante. 

Eles sentiam que haviam perdido a viagem. Não conseguiram descobrir muita coisa sobre a pesquisa, além do pouco que já sabiam. A única novidade, que ainda conseguiram descobrir, foi que a nova pesquisa estava ligada a um estudo ligado à longevidade, não à uma tentativa de genocídio, como desconfiavam inicialmente. 

Aquela era uma boa coisa. Restava saber a razão deles estarem ali, plantados a tarde toda e também de tentarem acabar com a vida dos dois. 

- Falta uma peça importante neste quebra-cabeças. O que pode ser?

Quatro pessoas caminhavam ligeiras, na direcção do laboratório, assim que os dois estavam a sair do prédio da biblioteca. Àquela hora, não era muito normal, mas nada preocupante. A mulher parecia preocupada. O rapaz que estava com ela, também. Um homem mais velho e um mais jovem, muito pálido, vinham atrás deles. Não perceberam a carrinha e foram até a porta de metal do prédio da área de Biologia.

O que aconteceu, naquele instante, foi tão rápido, que os dois rapazes só tiveram tempo de se esconder, atrás de um dos prédios e observar de longe, com receio de ficarem metidos naquela grande confusão.

O motorista, assim que viu o grupo de pessoas chegar à porta, saiu da carrinha e sacou de uma arma automática, atirando neles. O grupo ainda conseguiu entrar no prédio, trancar a porta, que não ficou fechada por muito tempo. Em poucos minutos os homens, armados, entravam no prédio e, não muito tempo depois, uma grande explosão acontecia no recinto.

Enquanto observavam, assustados, o desenrolar daquela guerra particular, viram que quatro pessoas corriam pelo outro lado, na direcção da floresta. Em pouco tempo, os dois seguranças, ainda armados, seguiam na mesma direcção. 

- O que foi isso, pelo amor de Deus? Estamos ferrados. Agora é que não descobrimos mais nada. O laboratório está todo destruído e não conseguiremos sair daqui, agora.

- Vamos ter que sair, de todo jeito. Em pouco tempo isso vai estar um manicómio. Deve haver um alarme de incêndio, que já deve ter sido accionado. 

Antes mesmo que terminasse de falar, ouviu o som das sirenes. 

Não podiam ser vistos ali. Se testemunhassem qualquer coisa, estariam expostos e a N.M.E. saberia que estavam vivos. Bem na hora que eles viraram, para ir na direção da saída do Campus, viram um homem parado, de pé, atrás deles. 

- Vocês não deviam estar aqui!


sábado, 3 de março de 2018

All Along the Coastline (Part 4)

- Is it bleeding again?

- Yes. I should have tighten up the bandage a little more.

- We've got to work this out, but we must not raise any suspicion. If we go to an emergency room, they'll call the police.

- There is no need. It's a matter of time. It is just a scratch.

- Fortunately. But if it gets infected, we have no choice but to go to a hospital.

- Let's not worry about that now. It'll be okay. I will be OK.

The young man wearing glasses nodded, still visibly worried. He knew it was not just a scratch. The bullet had come in and out, fortunately, without reaching any vital organ, at least apparently. It was a gunshot wound, however, and it could infect. That’s what they got for facing armed men, having as defense just their clothes and pieces of metal inside them.

They knew they had to stay unnoticed and unsuspicious.

They knew they had to keep the wound clean and controlled, or else...

In fact, they were not sure of anything...


- Incompetents. I'm surrounded by useless incompetents! How do three of my handpicked and most skilled security guards let two of those… those… guys… run away like that?

The Head of Security did not respond. He knew the man did not hear anyone when he was enraged. It was a matter of time and patience until the reason would return and he, cooler and calmer, would give new orders or make some kind of a plan, to get out or rid of some circumstance. That was a serious situation. It was a hole in the procedure and it would lead to a very big risk. If the two young men found out what was behind the operation, of which he knew very little, although he was quite sure it was very important, they were in great danger of exposure and that was the reason his boss was so upset and angry.

- You have until the end of the day to put an end to that. Sort that shit out immediately!

The Head of Security turned around and left. He had no idea how to deal with it, but he knew that if he did nothing, he’d have his head ready to be cut off his shoulders.


The day after the incident, the two young men drove down to the city, went to the bank, sorted out the issue with the bank cards and the money and found a decent Airbnb to stay in. They did not want to be exposed yet, until they had a good plan on what they would do next. They made a choice based on the fact that they were more difficult to be identified on a farmhouse than in a hotel. The farmhouse they found was sufficiently discreet and well-arranged, in addition to being very well located, in one of the side streets, not far from the city center. It was a very convenient choice.

Still in the morning, they decided to go to the Public Library so they could do some research about N.M.E. They found out that the company was to close a contract for research and development of medical drugs. At first it would seem perfectly normal, were it not for a little detail written at the end of the article. The young man wearing glasses wondered at the fact and commented it with his friend. A deeper investigation was worth it.

- We're need to go deeper into this. We better go there!

- Are you insane? Go straight to the lion’s den? This is suicide. They are already looking for us. They will not let us out of there alive!

- There has to be a way.

The Airbnb farmhouse was not far from the Library. As they were reaching the corner, they saw that a black car was parked near the place where they were staying. They stopped immediately, feeling their muscles tighten. They went back a few steps and went through the gate behind the little church, up on the hill, and watched, hidden.

Two other young men, about the same age, were walking down the street, talking casually, at that very moment. The car pulled away and advanced against the two, who were caught in surprise and did not escape the fatal hit and run. The driver sped up and down the street, leaving the two victims to bleed at the scene of the crime.

- We are screwed! I think they thought they were us! It cannot be a coincidence.

- This is getting weirder and more dangerous. We have to get out of here. We cannot even think of getting close to their den... We will be killed!

- It is true. This was not just an incident. Now it's a crime.


The little man sat down. The other man looked uneasy, but opened the briefcase and leafed through the file, his eyes very alert.

- Is this the documentation we need to start the process?

- Yes. It's all there... for the first phase and to study the first sample...

- First phase? What kind of joke is this?

- It's no joke. It is the guarantee that I will leave here alive and unharmed. The second part will be sent here when I am safe.

- That was not part of the contract. This is a scam.

- It is not. I had to take my precautions. I heard what was done to the two boys...

- Side effect. Nothing more than this.

- I do not like your methods, but I have nothing to do with them and I do not want to have, anyway. I'm only interested in finishing this transaction and getting out of here. I have more to do and worry about ... And to show that I'm serious, I'll leave a second sample with you.

- Who guarantees me that this is enough, to start the production of the medicines?

The little man ignored the comment in question and continued.

- There is a clear difference in the behavior of the two samples, although they have come from the same origin. This second is recovered, but has a shorter life cycle. To transform the former into another, in perfect condition, with the much longer life cycle, is easy, if you have the right data. You have the raw material in abundance, right here. It was a mistake we made when we did not use wisely the time we still had. When we got the answer, it was already late. Fortunately, I had time to retrieve the files, before...

- You did? Really?

- Pass the information and the sample on to the lab people and have them compare the two. I'll send the rest of the information as soon as I get out of here.

- That's what I'll do.

The little man gave a queer laugh, like someone who was not used to smile or show sympathy to anyone. His face was almost impassive and devoid of expression marks, except for the region between the eyes, where deep wrinkles of concern appeared. His laughter was only a small movement of his lips, not very expressive. He looked like a ghost... or...

- Very well. Wait for my contact.


- That can't be right.

- And it is not.

- That must be why they have things to hide, and they think we know more than we really do.

- But is that so bad they wanted to kill us?

-This is more serious than an unfortunate coincidence. How are we going to find out more about their swindles?

- I do not know, and I do not want to know. The best we do is to go home. Enough of this story.

- Let me think. There has to be a way…

- Oh no. I know where this is going to end.

- At least now we have a chance. They think we're dead! And I just got an idea.

- Oh my God! I'm screwed!

- Come!
