domingo, 13 de julho de 2014

Oblivion (Phase One)

Do you still remember me, 
my child? 
Do you remember how
I used to look at you 
and how I would not be able
To hide 
all the affection I felt 
towards you? 
Did you know 
I still think of you, 
every now and then, 
my child? 
My eyes cannot disguise
the emptiness my heart was left 
when you were gone… 
Do you still remember 
that last embrace, 
my child? 
The one which separated 
our lives 
for good 
and forever? 
Have you ever thought 
how miserable I had felt 
for such a long time 
since that day? 
But, then, somehow 
and for a reason
I cannot really understand,
the Universe has decided 
to give me another chance 
and although you still live 
in some secret place 
in my heart, 
your memories have turned into 
just sweet recollections 
that are slowly,
but definitely, 
fading into 
a misty 
and irreversible 
state of oblivion…  

1 comentário:

  1. The intention is to open the poem in three phases, completely different... let's see what comes up in the end...
