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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta mystery. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sábado, 11 de maio de 2019

Hypnos (Part 1: The Experiment)

There was a certain tension in the air. The studies room of the Polysomnography lab was ready for the new experiment. It was related to stimulation of certain areas of the head, through electric impulses controlled by computers installed in the investigation room. Those impulses simulated the electric discharges in the brain, which were intended to relax certain areas that patients suffering with sleep apnoea could not voluntarily and spontaneously do. 

It was a new procedure, in fact, but not considered risky. It could be a radical change if compared with any previous processes. That would be the first test to be performed and they were apprehensive about the continuity of the tests if anything went wrong. There was another issue that they had to consider as well: the procedure was not supposed to evolve to a home treatment and was not easy to be used out of specialized clinics.

For all that mattered, a new era in the area was starting. Good quality sleep was not being taken seriously anymore, but the consequences of lack of a good resting sleep were aggravated stress in a growing number of patients. Quality of life was not the same anymore and the scientists were worried about the future.

The patient was prepped. He was a graduate with a scholarship that volunteered more because of the money than for his love for science. His snoring, lack of good quality sleep and low energy were affecting his grades and his performance as student.

From where the scientists were, he looked like an astronaut in a capsule, fully wired so to provide the control room all possible information about his brain and cardiac activity during the tests. 

- Now close your eyes and relax. Count from a hundred to one backwards.

- This is stupid and scary.

- Don’t be afraid. Just close your eyes. After all, you volunteered…

- Yeah, right, but it was because of the money only… and I’m not sure I want to be part of this anymore…

The procedure started as a simple regression session. The activity in the room was being recorded by high resolution cameras inside the chamber. The sensors were attached to various points around the head and chest and they would send continuous EEG and ECG information to the computers. The patient’s arms and legs were secured to the sides of the bed by leather straps, in order to guarantee that he was not harmed by involuntary movements.

The scientists took their places in the observing room. Two of them wore high resolution headphones and could hear every single noise, including the rhythm and changes to his breathing.

The volunteer’s eyes became heavy and his breathing slowed down. He soon fell asleep. The REM followed to the satisfaction of the audience on the other side of the glass room. He was dreaming and seemed very calm and relaxed.

Suddenly, his eye movements became more evident and frantic. The sensors showed high energy pulses. The cardiogram seemed to be registering large scale fibrillation.

The man screamed once. Then a second time… and another one. Then he started shaking heavily and shouting.

- There’s something wrong! Abort! Abort! Bring him back! Quick!

The procedure was terminated immediately. The investigation team ran into the room and assisted the volunteer. He looked completely lost and scared. As soon as his arms and legs were freed, he got rid of the wiring and got up, running away from the lab, half naked.

- Bring him back. Hold this man!

- What happened?

- I don’t know, but there must be something very serious and worrying or else he would never run away that way. We must bring him back.

The security guards barely had time to close the door and stop his desperate exit.

The woman who was walking to him down the corridor had her very dark and straight hair tied up on a bun on top of her head. The local rules were clear and strict about having loose hair in the lab areas.

The man stopped and stared at her. Then he shouted.

- Get away from me.

- Calm down, man. What happened? Let’s talk a little.

- No. No. No.

He crossed the glass window and jumped off the open balcony of the fifteenth floor. What he experienced or saw was probably so disturbing and scary, that he preferred to dive down to his death instead of facing the experiment or its consequences.


- How are we supposed to know what he saw?

- We will have to go on with the experiment, before someone closes the lab down and prevent us from continuing with the experiences. We must be careful when choosing the next volunteer.

- We need to check the ECG’s. If we are lucky, we can find something in there.

- I don’t think so. We don’t have history records to compare results.

- True. Then we will need to create history.

- Do we really need to? That must be one case only… one in a million maybe?

- We don’t have a million… and maybe we will never have, after this incident. We will need to change the volunteers’ profiles.

- What do you mean?

The young scientist just looked at his peer and his stare answered the question without a single word.

- I got it. And who will be the first to go?

- We both go…

- What?


The corridors leading to the lab were empty at that time in the evening. The security guard did not ask anything when the two scientists crossed the hall and passed in front of the reception desk. He was used to seeing them walking in and out of the area, in odd hours, when they came to check and follow up the many varied experiments.

In the outer room, one of the scientists adjusted his sophisticated headphones to his ears and turned on the microphones installed in the inner capsule. Inside it, the other man tried to close his eyes.  

- Is everything ready? Are we going to use the same stimulation we did with the volunteer? What if anything goes wrong?

- Don’t start now with your fears. We need to have a hint of what he saw. That was not a normal reaction.

- I know. Ok. Ok. Let’s go ahead. Quick.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes again and tried to relax. Soon the sleeping drug started to run into his veins, and he fell asleep.

With his eyes fixed to the terminals and the program sequence, the scientist initiated the exact same procedure they used to the other patient.

On the other side of the glass, his friend was going deep into a dream. The REMs could be observed by the cameras directed to his face.

- Well, well… What’s next?

The sensors were acting normally. He was relaxed. The previous volunteer could have had an allergic reaction to the drug used, although there was nothing in his medical records that would support that theory. Maybe the electric impulses, associated to the stress and fatigue… Maybe? Who would ever know now?

He looked at his friend and relaxed a bit too.

- Side effects probably… what a waste!

He heard a beep. The cardiogram line moved up and down quicker. He did not change anything in the program. It was probably a reaction to the dream the patient was having. The man started moving his head from one side to the other.

- Oh, oh… and what now?

 He could not change the program while the procedure was running. The cardiogram seemed jumping up and down now in arrhythmic activity and high pulses. The patient clenched his fist and moved his body in uncontrolled spasms. Then he screamed once… then again and again.

- Oh, fuuck! Not again!

He switched the paraphernalia off, got rid of his headphones and ran into the room, opened the capsule and ripped the terminals off his colleague’s body and head. He injected glucose and caffeine in his veins, without freeing his arms and legs. He called his name a couple of times, shaking his upper torso. The other man reacted, finally, still quite sleepy.

He stared at his friend and said:

- Fuck, man! What was that?

- What did you see? Tell me!

He fixed his stare into his friend’s eyes and said, slowly and in a low voice:

- I know what happened... We are in big trouble… and it’s a very big trouble!


quarta-feira, 18 de abril de 2018

All Along the Coastline (Epilogue)

- Monarch?

 - But isn’t that a kind of a butterfly?

 - All this investment spent on a research based on studies of a butterfly?

 - Make no mistake. The research is very serious and the results are guaranteed...

- Says who? We have not started the production yet and we do not know if the results are guaranteed. Who can trust that, as a fact?

 - Well, I can!

 The board of directors was divided. On the one hand, the investors and management were confused and thought they bet the wrong horse. They felt that they had been deceived... and very!

On the other hand, the Managing Director was absolutely sure of the origins and outcome of the research and was sure he would be very rich. He knew better than the others, but he could not really reveal where such a cast-iron certainty came from.

He remembered the day he met the strange little man for the first time.


 Looking like a very unusual character of a cartoon, the little man was practically an albino; a strange mixture of an alien with any hominid, to say the least. He seemed to be coming out of a science fiction movie, with his pale skin and big head, inconsistent with the shrivelled body.

- I'll send the capsule through a rift in time, in what will be perceived as a week from now. Until then, we will not talk again. That will be the signal to start the negotiations. This operation must be kept confidential until we are sure we will not raise any unwanted suspicions.

- It's fair. If the capsule is not delivered, we have no business and life will go on normally and without any further problems.

 - I do not ask you to believe anything, without the necessary proof. Here is the key to opening the capsule. Without it, it is only a metallic sphere, found in the ocean. There's no other way to open it...

- Why is it going to be thrown into the ocean? You could deliver it elsewhere... anywhere...

- Because of its size. Furthermore the ocean will serve as a good shock absorber. On dry land, it would draw too much attention and could suffer damage when hitting the ground. The sample will be contained in a small and properly protected container.

- If the sample comes in a small container, why do you need a large capsule?

 The little man smiled. His face seemed unaccustomed to sympathy. His countenance was serious again, almost immediately.

- Because the sample will not be the only thing that will be sent inside the capsule.


The young men moved toward the exit, not looking back. Outside the Campus, a great confusion of loud siren sounds began to shriek through the streets and toward them. Inside the precincts, the fire was destroying everything that once had been the research laboratory. The two went the opposite way and entered the first subway station, without talking and without looking back.

As they passed the ticket control to the platforms, they saw that a carriage had just arrived and they entered it, without hesitation. They were in a hurry to get out of there as soon as possible.

On the surface, the chaos was snowballing, despite of being late at night. In addition to the firefighters, police officers and security teams from the Campus, an influx of curious also crowded the place.

In the underground, the subway cars were moving in controlled speed, going farther and farther from the region where the University was built.

The young man wearing glasses broke the silence after a while. He was still pale and nervous.

- What was that?

  - I still don’t know. But that was really scary.

- Indeed. I still feel that cold hand on my shoulder. I'm afraid of what I saw. Where did he come from? He looked like coming out of a sci-fi movie!

 The other man tried to smile, but he was too worried to play with what had just happened.

 - He must have probably left before the fire brigade and the policemen arrived. He must not have waited for anyone to disappear, or he would have to explain quite a lot. I don’t believe that any explanation would be easy to be given, anyway.

- And what will we do now? We will never find answers to our doubts and we won’t be able to confirm our theories. We lost the opportunity...

- Maybe not... I think we're going back to see our mystery man somehow... I still do not know how, but I think he might have answers.

- Oh no! Here we go, again!


The news came in large lettering, on the front page of the best-selling newspaper in the country: “N.M.E. being investigated, due to changes in food genetics”.

The article featured details of genetic alterations that led to chemical dependence, as in the so-called illegal drugs. The same was true about the industrialization of medicines at a later stage of the company's business, which was also suspected of addicting users. Their consumption had skyrocketed, leading to suspicions that there was something going on in the company, to have the results increased exponentially, in such a short time and without obvious marketing strategies.

The young man wearing glasses handed the newspaper out to his friend, after carefully reading all the published article.

- I knew there was something very wrong.

- But we could not prove anything, not even find any hint of evidence after the incident with the University laboratory. These people are dangerous and merciless.

 - After all this time, the only thing I remember was that those holidays were over too soon. Besides, we only wasted our time and money, in addition to the confusions in which we were involved in.

- Well... And we did not even meet that strange looking little man again... What if...?

The young man looked at his friend, after that incomplete question, knowing that apparently his head was working at high speed, as it always was, when he was planning something. More than a year had passed since the two returned from those holidays, which were totally spoiled by unusual and unwelcome circumstances.

Life in the barracks returned to normal, but the adventure left an unresolved and unfinished taste in the situation. Time had made it easier to let go of that feeling, but now those news brought some light back to everything again.

- What do you think if we got back there?

- Are you insane? That is no longer our business. I wonder if that ever was. Let the police take care of them. We cannot do anything anymore.

- I don’t know, no... They are criminals and the papers only mention the frauds related to the food and medicines, which we’d also come to suspect. They’ve never associated the company with the crime against the two boys who were killed, innocently, in our place... or to the laboratory explosion. I wonder why?

- Oh my God!

-  I do not want to be involved in a scandal of this magnitude. It was not for this that I sold you the formula. They will end up digging out quite a lot and coming up to find me. This will not end well.

- Why does that bother you? What I do with the result of the research and the modifications, which we have worked so hard to implement, is only on my account and, of course, on the company.

- I left my exile because I did not agree with the way things have gone so far. The intention was different from the beginning... and I told you this...

 - You should not have come back here. Our contract was closed a long time ago. I paid dearly for all this. And I'm only reaping the dividends...

- Dividends? Using the formula to manufacture drugs to slow aging and selling the product for millions of Euros, to only a few tycoons who are afraid to die, is not only to reap dividends, in my opinion. The humanity…

- Who cares about humanity? These poor beings do not even know why they are still on this planet... They do not deserve the ground they tread on! I will not change a millimetre of what I have achieved so far, because of your scruples. They did not exist when we signed the agreement and we closed the contract. Why are you so concerned, now? As far as I know, you destroyed an entire planet, with all the inhabitants still living there...

- All but one... two... to tell you the truth. But that was a desperate move. There was no hope for that planet...

- Neither for this one! What's done is done. It's my decision. And do not worry. They will never reach you. Not where you're going to...

- Is it? But I'm not going to tell you where I'm going to...

- I'll tell you! And you're not going to get out of my sight...

The man opened a drawer and took an automatic weapon from inside it, pointed it at the strange little man, and fired. The only projectile thrown by the muffler in the gun barrel hit the other man well in the middle of the forehead. A fatal shot, with little blood spilled.

The director called security and waited.

- Do what I told you to do. And have it cleaned up before anyone asks questions. I want the body of this humanoid embalmed and deposited inside that capsule, so that no one ever finds traces of what happened here. And have the damn capsule installed in the middle of that garden, where I can keep my eyes on it every single day...

The head of security nodded, called the men and did as he was told to, without questioning and without hesitation.

At that hour of the night there was hardly anyone in the company. They had all the time and freedom to do what was necessary without arousing further suspicions.


- Turn on the TV. They're showing something you're going to want to see.
- What's that?

The young man turned on the TV. The news showed a story about a certain major drug producer that previously produced only food. An investigation led to the discovery of a series of incidents, all associated with the director of N.M.E., including a crime against two boys in the north of the country.

The investigation pointed to the company's chief of security, who after many contradictions in the testimony he gave, eventually yielded and confessed to such a crime. The director was still under investigation and the police had just arrived at his office with a prison sentence against him.

High paid lawyers were working to get a habeas corpus, but they did not have time to stop the man being arrested and taken to the police station.

The TV camera showed the man being approached by the police while he was still in the company's inner park. It was evident that he kept his eyes on a strange object planted in the middle of the well-kept garden. A large metal sphere, all sealed, lay, like a monument or a trophy, in the centre of that garden, lined with concentric rows of asclepias planted in a harmonious geometric pattern.

The two young men were static. They knew that sphere very well.

- What the hell!

The report went on.

When the police car arrived at the police station, with the cameras all around, recording the event, the TV showed the man being dragged, apparently unconscious, towards the building. An ambulance was already waiting, with the paramedics ready to provide immediate care.

A reporter announced that the man had been killed on the spot. Another aired that he poisoned himself, en route, to avoid the consequences of the arrest, confirming what the first journalist suspected.

The image of the camera was fixed on the ambulance's white van. On the steering wheel, to the shock of the two young men watching, a very pale and strange-looking man took the car away from the police station and from the confusion that the reporters and curious people had just witnessed.

sábado, 3 de março de 2018

All Along the Coastline (Part 4)

- Is it bleeding again?

- Yes. I should have tighten up the bandage a little more.

- We've got to work this out, but we must not raise any suspicion. If we go to an emergency room, they'll call the police.

- There is no need. It's a matter of time. It is just a scratch.

- Fortunately. But if it gets infected, we have no choice but to go to a hospital.

- Let's not worry about that now. It'll be okay. I will be OK.

The young man wearing glasses nodded, still visibly worried. He knew it was not just a scratch. The bullet had come in and out, fortunately, without reaching any vital organ, at least apparently. It was a gunshot wound, however, and it could infect. That’s what they got for facing armed men, having as defense just their clothes and pieces of metal inside them.

They knew they had to stay unnoticed and unsuspicious.

They knew they had to keep the wound clean and controlled, or else...

In fact, they were not sure of anything...


- Incompetents. I'm surrounded by useless incompetents! How do three of my handpicked and most skilled security guards let two of those… those… guys… run away like that?

The Head of Security did not respond. He knew the man did not hear anyone when he was enraged. It was a matter of time and patience until the reason would return and he, cooler and calmer, would give new orders or make some kind of a plan, to get out or rid of some circumstance. That was a serious situation. It was a hole in the procedure and it would lead to a very big risk. If the two young men found out what was behind the operation, of which he knew very little, although he was quite sure it was very important, they were in great danger of exposure and that was the reason his boss was so upset and angry.

- You have until the end of the day to put an end to that. Sort that shit out immediately!

The Head of Security turned around and left. He had no idea how to deal with it, but he knew that if he did nothing, he’d have his head ready to be cut off his shoulders.


The day after the incident, the two young men drove down to the city, went to the bank, sorted out the issue with the bank cards and the money and found a decent Airbnb to stay in. They did not want to be exposed yet, until they had a good plan on what they would do next. They made a choice based on the fact that they were more difficult to be identified on a farmhouse than in a hotel. The farmhouse they found was sufficiently discreet and well-arranged, in addition to being very well located, in one of the side streets, not far from the city center. It was a very convenient choice.

Still in the morning, they decided to go to the Public Library so they could do some research about N.M.E. They found out that the company was to close a contract for research and development of medical drugs. At first it would seem perfectly normal, were it not for a little detail written at the end of the article. The young man wearing glasses wondered at the fact and commented it with his friend. A deeper investigation was worth it.

- We're need to go deeper into this. We better go there!

- Are you insane? Go straight to the lion’s den? This is suicide. They are already looking for us. They will not let us out of there alive!

- There has to be a way.

The Airbnb farmhouse was not far from the Library. As they were reaching the corner, they saw that a black car was parked near the place where they were staying. They stopped immediately, feeling their muscles tighten. They went back a few steps and went through the gate behind the little church, up on the hill, and watched, hidden.

Two other young men, about the same age, were walking down the street, talking casually, at that very moment. The car pulled away and advanced against the two, who were caught in surprise and did not escape the fatal hit and run. The driver sped up and down the street, leaving the two victims to bleed at the scene of the crime.

- We are screwed! I think they thought they were us! It cannot be a coincidence.

- This is getting weirder and more dangerous. We have to get out of here. We cannot even think of getting close to their den... We will be killed!

- It is true. This was not just an incident. Now it's a crime.


The little man sat down. The other man looked uneasy, but opened the briefcase and leafed through the file, his eyes very alert.

- Is this the documentation we need to start the process?

- Yes. It's all there... for the first phase and to study the first sample...

- First phase? What kind of joke is this?

- It's no joke. It is the guarantee that I will leave here alive and unharmed. The second part will be sent here when I am safe.

- That was not part of the contract. This is a scam.

- It is not. I had to take my precautions. I heard what was done to the two boys...

- Side effect. Nothing more than this.

- I do not like your methods, but I have nothing to do with them and I do not want to have, anyway. I'm only interested in finishing this transaction and getting out of here. I have more to do and worry about ... And to show that I'm serious, I'll leave a second sample with you.

- Who guarantees me that this is enough, to start the production of the medicines?

The little man ignored the comment in question and continued.

- There is a clear difference in the behavior of the two samples, although they have come from the same origin. This second is recovered, but has a shorter life cycle. To transform the former into another, in perfect condition, with the much longer life cycle, is easy, if you have the right data. You have the raw material in abundance, right here. It was a mistake we made when we did not use wisely the time we still had. When we got the answer, it was already late. Fortunately, I had time to retrieve the files, before...

- You did? Really?

- Pass the information and the sample on to the lab people and have them compare the two. I'll send the rest of the information as soon as I get out of here.

- That's what I'll do.

The little man gave a queer laugh, like someone who was not used to smile or show sympathy to anyone. His face was almost impassive and devoid of expression marks, except for the region between the eyes, where deep wrinkles of concern appeared. His laughter was only a small movement of his lips, not very expressive. He looked like a ghost... or...

- Very well. Wait for my contact.


- That can't be right.

- And it is not.

- That must be why they have things to hide, and they think we know more than we really do.

- But is that so bad they wanted to kill us?

-This is more serious than an unfortunate coincidence. How are we going to find out more about their swindles?

- I do not know, and I do not want to know. The best we do is to go home. Enough of this story.

- Let me think. There has to be a way…

- Oh no. I know where this is going to end.

- At least now we have a chance. They think we're dead! And I just got an idea.

- Oh my God! I'm screwed!

- Come!


domingo, 14 de janeiro de 2018

All Along the Coastline (Part 2)

The sunlight, being filtered through the leaves of the large tree, seemed to flicker onto the face of the young man wearing glasses. He slowly opened his eyes, still half dizzy and with a terrible headache, as if he were hungover. The images were slowly coming into focus, like in a contemporary art film.
Lying uncomfortably on a dark green wooden bench in an unknown city square, all dirty and dishevelled, he could be taken by a beggar or a junkie, who had fallen asleep in the open, for lack of a better place. The few passers-by dodged as if he were dangerous or inconvenient to their decent beings. He sat up and looked around. He did not know where he was. From the position of the sun in the sky, it seemed it was already mid-day, but he had no idea how he ended up in a place like that. He could smell fresh and spicy food in the air and he felt hungry. He tried to reach his wallet, but without much hope of finding it. He felt stolen and it made him angry and nervous. He did not know where he was and did not know how to get help. He looked around again. He needed to wash, change clothes, and eat something.

- These are really the greatest holidays of all!
The irony came into the mind of the young man who made an effort to get up and start walking. His head was spinning. He halted and waited a little, trying to regain his strength. He took a deep breath and walked, determined not to let himself fall, nor lose his balance, at any cost.

- What the hell! I'm a trained soldier. I will not fall here, now. I must reach the sea, or the river, at least.
He looked up to try and follow the course of the sun in the sky. He heard the toll of a church bell. He looked around, trying to find out where the sound came from. If there was a bell, there was a church and probably a clock. He crossed the square and saw that he was well ahead of a small chapel. Its facade was all decorated with painted tiles. The clock marked 1:15.

He walked toward the chapel, which was in the highest part of the place. Behind it, he saw the river flowing to his left. That was certainly the direction of the sea. He ran his hand through his rumpled clothes and strode down the narrow street.

The strange-looking man, dressed in a tailored, dark suit, made to order, walked slowly to the window. His brows were furrowed and his face was heavy. He seemed to be very worried.
The sun was shining outside on a typical summer day. The air-conditioned room set for the constant temperature of eighteen degrees Celsius, was furnished with but a few practical pieces. Besides a large table with a dozen chairs, there was only a small counter, discreetly installed in a niche at the corner of the room, with a modern coffee machine. It was on the second floor of the building, in the farthest room from the entrance, where important decisions were made, and often these had quite significant consequences in the food industry. N. & M. Enterprises also had an influence on businesses not as innocent as food production, but few people knew for sure what type of businesses they were.

The man watched the movement that was happening at that moment, at the ground floor, without moving any muscle of his inexpressive face. He looked up and concentrated on a spot beyond the well-designed garden, next to a small grove beyond, practically hidden from anyone who’d come from the front of the building.

Carefully chosen, the quieter and more discreet office was in the back of the building. A white van with large red letters painted on both sides was parked outside, close to the street. He ran a very pale hand over the top of his bald head and down to his face with no trace of beard.

The door opened behind him and he heard the secretary's voice, low, but very firm:

- They are here.

The man took a deep breath and turned slowly.

- It's about time. Bring them in.

The secretary left and returned shortly thereafter with two men dressed in black and another man, younger than both of them. A little farther back, another security guard was dragging one other young man, who wore tortoise shell frame glasses and had his clothes very dirty and wrinkled. This latter one was still looking unconscious.
- No. They know nothing. That must have been an unfortunate accident. A coincidence...
- But they will now suspect that there is something big behind this whole story. In fact, they are not fools. They must have suspected by now...

- We have to get rid of them. We cannot leave loose ends.

- We have already left. Now we have to fix all this mess.

- With care and a good plan, and to leave no shadow of doubt about our integrity...

- Certainly. N.M.E. must not be associated with any type of scam. We have to remain unsuspected. The success of this company depends on our discretion and certain secrets.

- We will be very careful. I’ll take care of it. Leave it to me.

The man looked serious at the Chief of Security and did not seem very convinced, but nodded slightly, so that the man would leave immediately and he could be alone in the room. He needed time on his own to think.
The river seemed calm, quietly running toward the sea. The young man approached the shoreline and stepped into the cool water. The feeling was good. He washed his face and head with that water. He felt like swimming a little. For a moment he forgot that he did not know exactly where he was and that he had no idea how he had ended up there.
He continued his trip toward the sea. Minutes later, when he was already at the beach, he saw the old windmills. He did not recognize the place, but moved on. He needed to find some answers. Afraid he could be misunderstood, with his clothes in that state, he decided to avoid direct contact with the people who passed by him as he walked along the waterfront.

Further on, he spotted a service station, walked to there, and got in. He took a look around and saw that besides a young attendant behind the counter, there was only another man, dressed in a dark suit, sitting with his back to the door and drinking coffee. With that heat, it did not seem like the best outfit to wear, but who was him to find anything strange, after all. Before he spoke to the attendant, the door behind him opened and he saw a bigger man, also dressed in a dark suit, coming in. He did not notice that a white van was parked outside. He just felt a blow and began to fall into a dark pit.

- Are you fine?
- Look at me. Do I look good? I'm all dirty, I've been beaten, drugged, dragged and I do not know what's going on. How can I be fine?

- You’re right. It was a stupid question...

- Where have you been? Who are these people?

- I can only say what I know and it’s not that much.

- You were with them at the boarding house. The lady at the front desk told me.

- Yes. I was under a gun. I tried to look natural, not to raise any more confusion, or to be killed right there. These men are dangerous.
- Who are they?

- They work for N.M.E., a company linked to the food industry, but this is just a facade. There's more behind it all.

- And how do you know all these things?
- I pretended I was unconscious and heard their conversation. There is much more that appearances want to show in here.

- And why are we involved in it?

- We were in the wrong place at the wrong time... and we still are...

- Are we?
- They do not know who we are, but they want to get rid of us. We have to find a way out of here.

- How? If they're going to kill us... What's the way out?

- They want it to look like an accident. I heard them talking to their boss. We may have a chance, but it will depend on how many of those gorillas we have to deal with.

- Face armed men, that size? Bad idea. Bad idea!

- Have you got a better one?


"Everything was so well planned, so carefully planned before..."
The man tried to find a flaw in the procedure, but he could not.

"Why did these meddlers have to appear at that time? How could it not be foreseen? What detail has passed, so unnoticed? "
He had no doubt that he was going to make a lot of money and change the course of humanity when that little detail was sorted out. He was going to be a very rich and powerful man. His ambition was limitless and overriding many principles, including those related to scruples.

But that interference, at that moment, was not welcome and had to be resolved, effectively and efficiently... And very soon!
- What the hell!

He picked up the phone and dialled a known number. In less than two minutes the Chief of Security rushed into the large room. The man had his back to the door. Without turning to greet the newcomer, he spoke, low, steady and trying to control his emotions to the extreme.

- Take care of those two. And try not to leave any hint of flaws. Now leave!
- Yes sir.

The Chief of Security left, carefully closing the door behind him. He knew his boss very well. That whole control was just a protective cover. He must have been on the verge of exploding.
The man turned his attention back to a place beyond the large, well-designed and neat garden. He could see the pine forest right at the end. The flower bed around the garden was covered by blackwood and other types of asclepius, planted both to provide a fine effect to the eyes and also with a very specific purpose. The man saw the butterflies flying around the colourful little flowers and smiled.
While he was absently observing that beautiful creation, a door opened on the left side of the garden and a group of men crossed the courtyard. Two of them, dressed in dark suits, carried visibly and ostensibly powerful automatic weapons.

sábado, 9 de setembro de 2017

The Thirteenth (Part 3)

It was not too late at night, in the suburbs. The silhouettes of two people, with very dissimilar looks, moved among the shadows, among the narrow streets and the dark alleys. Some people were still walking outside, others were chatting happily in the pubs and restaurants. It was quite a pleasant and fresh autumn night, fresh but not chilly at all. To the stronger man, that temperature was ideal, but his companion was uncomfortable, feeling his pale and fragile body tremble with cold.

- Let's go that way. We are not far by now. I just hope I don’t give the old man too much of a fright.

The other man looked at him, not quite realizing what that really meant and continued to follow the strong man, first behind a large house, which covered a whole block, in the farthest part of the village, then through a children’s playground at a small park and then they finally crossed a large patio that led them into a dense group of large trees.

When they started walking through the woods, they hit some branches of the Swan Milkweed that were hanging on their way and that had a surprising effect on some of the forest's temporary residents. A rustle of movement and color impressed the clone, but irritated the man who led him down those dark paths in the cool autumn night.

- Oh! What are these?

- They're butterflies. Monarchs, more specifically...

- How interesting... They are so...

Words failed him. He could not, with such a short life, say what he felt about beauty, one of the few things that really impressed him.

- ...annoying when they fly around us. We should avoid these swift moves because anything we do can raise suspicion and put us in danger. We have to keep our presence as discreet as possible.

The clone looked at the man, who was annoyed with such beauty and did not understand why he did not enjoy that unusual moment. The man pulled him by the arm, whispering, irritated.

- Let's go! Every minute we waste is too precious and we'll miss them eventually. You'll know more about the Monarchs, if you ever have the time... Now, let’s move on!

They finally arrived at the entrance of a tunnel, hidden in the basement of a building. From there, after passing through a series of other passageways, tangled in a rather intricate network, they finally got into a small old shed, built in the backyard of an ordinary house.

From there, they noticed there were lights on in the house, showing evidence that someone was still up. They were careful to stay hid in the shadows until they were absolutely sure no one could see them. The silence was proof enough that there was no danger. The two of them stepped up to the door. The stronger man knocked on the door with his knuckles. He then stopped for a short while and knocked again twice. That was the code he reminded. At the sound of footsteps coming from the inside, he felt a strange apprehension.

A middle-aged man opened the door, but his expression soon changed from a smile to a mix of worry and fear. What those two strangers were doing there at his door, using the code only known by his son and daughter, was unknown to him, but he felt they were no good news. The strongest man reminded him of someone he knew, but he could not recall who that could be.

- What can I do for you?

The man kept the door half open, trying to control the situation. He sensed that he was at a disadvantage, but he had to try and intimidate the visitors, who still stood somewhat in the shadow of the night.

- Can we come inside? It is important.

- No. You cannot, without telling me who you are and what you want.

 The younger man stepped forward, while the older man grabbed the door firmly, trying to close it, before he lost control, but his strength did not match that of the other one.

- Father?

The man's eyes widened. That was unexpected. He was absolutely sure he had no children that age. The younger man's eyes, however, when they were struck by the light from within the house, were as green as his son's, but he immediately refuted that common characteristic.

- My son is a lot younger than you and I'm pretty sure I've never had another one. I do not know who you are or what you want, but you will not get anything from me.

- I know it sounds unbelievable, but I can explain... Let us in, please. We are all in danger.

The older man’s face changed immediately to a very serious and hard expression. The younger man then tried his last attempt.

- I’m not trying to fool you. Look at this! Do you believe me now?

The man pulled the door open, carefully, so as to let the two visitors in. Until then, he'd hardly noticed the features of the little man, which he now watched, attentively. He was extremely pale, young and almost hairless. His head seemed to be disproportionately larger than those with whom he used to be. Her skin looked very thin. The green eyes also reminded him of someone, but he did not catch it at first. He was now busy examining that strange being whose anomaly he had already seen before in his own son.

- How could this be possible?

- We believe the answer is here at this time. That's why we need your help.

The three of them turned their attention to a spot in the shadows, behind the old man, from which the female voice was coming.

- Leona? What happened to you? You're so different...

- We are all, Father, but…

- You shouldn’t have come.

- And let you trigger a catastrophe? This untimely behavior of yours has already put us in a very big trouble... We have to interfere as little as possible with this time and place. Everything we do here, will surely have consequences in that world.

- What world? Can anyone explain this whole mess to me?

Before her brother began telling improper truths, Leona went forward. She would be more careful with the words and say only what would not change… much… the course of the events, but their father had to know what happened... or was going to happen... as a matter of fact… so he could help them.

The scientist listened quietly but not without showing how impressed he was. He would never imagine how important his research would become in the future. In his modesty and simplicity, behind all intelligence and brightness, he did not foresee that his work would bring so much benefit to mankind... or at least to a portion of it...


- Father, the chief scientist, who is a very experienced and competent man, could not find out what caused that anomaly in the clone. The concern is that it is serious and that will put a good part of those who are born at risk, as if it were an epidemic, difficult to control. Some element in the vaccine might have stopped working, or there was some mutation of a sort.

- I brought a sample of the new vaccine, which is under test, to be analyzed by you. How did you reverse the effect when it happened to me? There is no record about this in the known data.

- I know. I never left any of it written in the official records. I only made a few notes in my diary, which I kept out of sight for everyone. But I know what to do... I dealt with it not so long ago. But we're must first go to the University's laboratory, do some more tests. We have already eliminated the... err... I do not know if it will result in a clone, whose DNA may have already undergone many mutations, nor do I know what kind of reactions can still happen, but it’s worth a try.

Before they left, however, the man looked at the three visitors and, frowning, asked, with childlike ingenuity.

- What are clones for, anyway?

The three of them looked at the old scientist, as if he had said an obscenity. Leona laughed tenderly and said to him,

- I’ll try to explain on the way...


- What is it? It's so nice...

- It’s music. Let's go.

- Where is it coming from?

- Come on! Quickly! We do not have time for this.

The father, much more patient than his son, tried to explain, in a more or less coherent way:

- Music is the language though which the souls of men talk to those of the gods. It is capable to touch the most intangible living being. There are many different types and styles. This one that you hear is by a famous artist, who no longer walks on this Earth.

- No? Where does he walk on, now?

- He’s dead. His name was David Bowie. The music comes from the club bar ahead, but we should avoid going there. We cannot raise any suspicion and it’s too late in the evening already...

- By the way, we have to find a name for you. If someone stops us, for some reason, it will be the most convenient... and appropriate way. We should not take unnecessary risks.

- I am the Thirteenth.

- Yes. But that's not a decent name for this place. We have to choose another one; more common and suitable...

- Could it be David Bowie?

Leona chuckled loudly.

- It can be David. Forget the Bowie. It will raise more suspicion if it is used here.


The university campus was practically deserted when they arrived. There was a white van at the entrance, parked near the research area, where the lab was located. The letters N. M. E., painted in red, on the sides, did not raise suspicions, when the four characters descended the flight of stairs, which took them to their destination. As soon as the scientist took the key out of his pocket and turned the lock in the narrow metal door, a hiss was heard and a deep mark was engraved above his head, in the light gray hard metal. They threw themselves in, closing the door behind them so to gain some time and rushed to the Main Lab.

- Who are these? We are being attacked by fire guns. We have to get away and try to get back to the terminal. Let's all go. Run!

As they entered the lab, they dragged a large cabinet and blocked the door.

- We must use the emergency exit that is located at the opposite end of the laboratory. I'll show you the way. Now, hurry and keep on walking to the end of the hall and go through the door where it’s written "To the roof" and, instead of going up, go behind the stairs. There is another door there, at the bottom of the broom and cleaning cabinet, painted the same color as the walls, to make it difficult to find. I’ll have to go back and get my notes.

At that moment, they heard a loud blast. The front door had been broken into with explosives. The sounds of footsteps running down the hall, very close to them, made them panic and imagine a hurried escape plan.

- There is no time to go back. We have to get out of here as soon as possible. They are already coming after us...

- But it's extremely important... it's right in the desk drawer...

The younger man knew his father was right. It was extremely important to seek the information, to fulfill the purpose of that time travel or else it would have been useless. Without thinking much, he decided:

- I’ll go back. I'm faster and stronger. I can defend myself better, and besides, when we get back to the terminal, we will not be able all four to travel at the same time. The programming will be done for three, only...

- We can reprogram it.

- If we have time... Let’s hurry. I’ll come back. Don’t wait for me. Don’t worry, I'll find a way. If the portal is not open anymore, I’ll wait for a signal.

- We'll send one, as soon as we get there, programming the terminal for a passenger, only, so it closes as soon as you get in and we bring no more danger along with us to the future.

- OK. Now, let's move on. Time is short.

Leona felt a sting in her chest. Things had gotten out of hand. The whole operation had been too risky, and now they were struggling to stay alive. She had the lead and show the way, but they had to be fast and unsuspecting, until they reached the terminal.

Then they heard a series of gun shots. What an efficient and dangerous way to rush things...